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Halloween Contest!


Halloween Pasture Decorating Contest

Win one of 4 custom coloured tack sets of your choosing

Halloween is almost here and its time to get our pastures ready for the spooky day! So head over to the farm decorating store to pick up some pumpkins, ghosts and other items to decorate your pasture. Dress up your favourite ponies and create a spooky scene.

4 players with the best decorated pastures will get their choice of a custom tack set (english or western, each set contains one saddle, bridle and saddlepad), and they'll get to choose the colours!

To Enter:
- Decorate one of your pastures however you like
- Select at least one horse to live there until the contest is finished
- Take a screenshot of your pasture (tip: try taking a screenshot at different times of day for cool effects)
- Post a screenshot as a reply and include a link to your pasture

Entries must be received by Monday October 31 at midnight (eastern standard time). Winners will be announced after Halloween (Nov 1)!
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Totina Offline Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: May 11th, 2015, 9:35 am Posts: 794

Re: Halloween Contest!


Seems like I will be the first one to enter the competition with this pasture and a screenshot. ... oddone.jpg

Doesn't look like I can show the picture (which, unfortunately, is quite small since it's uploaded at photobucket) in the reply so the link will have to do for now.

For the decorations I had in mind a family "reunion" at the graveyard. But, as in pretty much every family, there is that one who is a little bit different from the others. Guess which grave belongs to him. :twisted:
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Alaina Offline
Beta Tester
Beta TesterBeta Tester Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: October 8th, 2014, 9:30 pm Posts: 240

Re: Halloween Contest!


Image Link:

Link to Pasture:

Decided to do a spooky night time graveyard scene featuring my horses: Eitu and Bethany

Specializing in Kaimanawa

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Shalako Offline Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: August 4th, 2015, 5:55 pm Posts: 15

Re: Halloween Contest!


Okay here is my entry! :)

Pasture screenshot:

Link to pasture:

I chose a spooky nighttime scene at the pumpkin graveyard with my horses Cauldron, Big Red and Marshmallow.
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ablaise Offline Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: September 28th, 2015, 5:55 pm Posts: 49

Re: Halloween Contest!


Image Link:
Pasture Link:

I combined two different ideas in this -- a graveyard and a pumpkin patch. I decorated the full pasture because I thought it looked a bit funny with only one side done. I wish I would have had some PTs to spare because I would have put another ghosty and some Jack-o-Lantern's in the pasture. I also wish I could have positioned the horses a bit differently for the picture. But, I think it turned out okay. :D :D :D
Orvis Farm
Breeding - Training - Showing
Est. September 28th, 2015
Scythian Offline Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: November 5th, 2015, 11:35 am Posts: 426

Re: Halloween Contest!


“A late snack” :twisted:

Link to screenshot:

Link to pasture:
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Vaxxine Offline Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: June 30th, 2015, 11:15 am Posts: 46

Re: Halloween Contest!


Kayaine Offline Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: November 8th, 2015, 12:23 pm Posts: 266

Re: Halloween Contest!


Since we seem to have started naming our entries, XD:

"Watch Your Step"

P.s. You should check out everyone's costumes in this pasture! Only the baby seemed to want to pose for a photo... Also, the whole pasture is decorated, but I couldn't figure out how to get it in the photo.
hdmcminn Offline Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: August 12th, 2015, 6:35 pm Posts: 622
Zodiac Offline Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: August 2nd, 2015, 8:32 am Posts: 35

Re: Halloween Contest!


"When you go down to the woods tonight...."

BlackHawk babydollnever listened to the warnings of the haunted paddock and BlackHawk Americano took the time to have some fun with the scaredy stallion.
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