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Exmoor Pony
Light horse breed


This pony is small and stock with primarily dark-bay, brown and dun colouring, and often with a mealy muzzle, eyes and belly. White markings are not found in this breed. It has a wide forehead and small ears, and it's eyes have a unique characteristic of protruding thick eyelids, often called "toad-like", which protect the eyes from rain and wind. It's legs are slender with small hard hooves. The mane and tail are thick and long.


Origin England, Thought to be many thousands of years old at least.
Status Endangered
Height 11.3hh to 13.0hh
Common Use Childs mount, driving.
Common Colours Exclusively bay and seal brown, sometimes with dun, and often with pangare. No white markings are allowed.
Przewalski Horse x Tarpan

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