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West African Barb
Light horse breed


The Barb is a desert bred horse with fine skin and great endurance. The are intelligent, energetic, and bold while also remaining calm and level-headed. The West African variation, at least in "Horse World Online" has a convex, or roman face profile as is typically seen in the iberian breeds they heavily influenced. Their head is also sometimes narrow, with fine nostrils and expressive oriental eyes. The chest is deep though sometimes narrow and the shoulders are often flat and straight which is unusual considering their speed and agility. They have a short back with sloping quarters and a low set tail. The overal frame is slender but with a good depth of girth. Their slender legs are tough and strong, with good hardy feet and are rarely lame. These horses also have thick, full manes, tails, and forelocks.


Origin Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania, Mali, Senegal, Thought to be thousands of years old
Status Rare but no longer endangered
Height 14.0hh to 15.1hh
Common Use Racing, endurance, dressage, and recreational riding
Common Colours Bay, brown, chestnut, black, but predominantly grey. White markings are minimal on the legs and head.
[ Arabian x North African Barb ] x [ North African Barb x Forest Horse ]

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