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Old Folks Field

Where the older ponies come to relax, some are still active. However hanging out with other horses their age is a lot more fun then contending with the youngsters!

⥈ Gold'n'Frosty

Mare, 23 years, 1.7 months
Half Appaloosa, 14.2hh
Silver Bay Roan Blanket
3* Appaloosa
Light, 44.55% Body Size, 85% Horse Type
St: =, Sp: =, Sm: +, M: -, T: +, B: +, A: g, I: G
Sp: 28, St: 38, Sm: 28, B: 29, M: 24, A: 35, T: 37

Ch. ⥈ Too Sweet

Mare, 21 years, 1.2 months
Part Appaloosa x Arabian, 13.0hh
Palomino Blanket
@ Birth: 31", Calm
Medium Light, 62.1% Body size, 70% Horse Type
St: -, Sp: =, E: =, M: =, T: g, B: +, A: g, I: G
Sp: 15, St: 16, E: 32, B: 40, M: 32, A: 31, T: 44
MT: 746#, M: 793#

Ch. ⥈ Sweet Sound

Mare, 21 years, 0.2 month
Part Appaloosa x Arabian, 14.0hh
Flaxen Chestnut Blanket
At Birth: 34", Calm
Medium Light, Body size 49.5%, 64% Horse type
St: =, Sp: +, E: +, M: =, T: G, B: g, A: +, I: G
Sp: 23, St: 17, E: 39, B: 43, M: 35, A: 31, T: 41
M: 1000#

Ch.+ ⥈ Brilliant Perfection

Mare, 20 years, 2.7 months
Appaloosa, 15.3hh
Silver Dun Varnish
4* Appaloosa
Medium Light, Body size 34.2%, 53% Horse type
St: -, Sp: =, E; =, M: +, T: +, B: =, A: g, I: G
Sp: 24, St: 37, E; 27, B: 29, M: 48, A: 36, T: 26
M: 1448#

Ch. ⥈ Hidden Heart

Mare, 20 years, 2.2 months
Mixed Appaloosa x Arabian, 14.1hh
Brown Buckskin
Light, 11.25% Body size, 82% Horse type
St: -, Sp: =, E: g, M: =, T: g, B: +, A: g, I: G
Sp: 19, St: 25, Sm: 41, B: 45, M: 41, A: 33, T: 36
T: 847#

Unnamed Horse #1694740

Filly, 3 months
Appaloosa, 11.0hh
At Birth: 10hh, Calm
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