New Area

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New Area

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Sheet Music

Mare, 17 years, 1.7 months
Part Vladimir Heavy Draft x Andalusian, 17.1hh
Silver Red Roan
45 - Olympics
41 - middle

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Range

Mare, 16 years, 9.7 months
Part Vladimir Heavy Draft x Andalusian, 17.3hh
Silver Smoky Brown Dun
22 - cannot be certain
50 - like the rest

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Off The Bench

Mare, 11 years, 8.6 months
Vladimir Heavy Draft, 16.2hh
Strawberry Roan
49,228 (+5)
= | = | = | + | + | = | + | ++
21 - average
53 - fine mover

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Clash

Mare, 10 years, 0.6 month
Vladimir Heavy Draft, 18.0hh
Silver Red Roan

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Right On Time

Mare, 4 years, 8.5 months
Vladimir Heavy Draft, 17.0hh
Smoky Brown Dun Roan
19 - training, quite strong
57 - fine mover
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