Sidewinder Stables

Sidewinder Stables owned by Crazy4CodyCole

Competition Name Stats Evaluated 
Barrel Racing: Agility, Speed, Strength, Balance
Cross Country: Stamina, Strength, Agility, Balance
Cutting: Agility, Intelligence, Strength, Speed
Dressage: Movement, Balance, Tempo, Strength
Driven Dressage: Movement, Balance, Strength, Tempo
Endurance: Stamina, Speed, Agility, Tempo
Harness Racing: Speed, Stamina, Strength, Tempo
Hunter: Movement Strength, Tempo, Balance
In-Hand Jumping: Intelligence, Agility, Strength, Stamina
Log Pull: Strength, Stamina, Movement, Tempo
Marathon Driving: Strength, Stamina, Tempo, Intelligence
Obstacle Driving: Strength, Agility, Stamina, Balance
Pole Bending: Speed, Agility, Intelligence, Balance
Racing: Speed, Stamina, Strength, Speed
Reining Agility: Strength, Movement, Balance
Saddleseat: Balance, Agility, Movement, Intelligence
Show Jumping: Balance, Strength, Agility, Speed
Sprint Racing: Speed, Strength, Agility, Speed
Steeplechasing: Speed, Agility, Strength, Stamina
Western Pleasure: Intelligence, Balance, Movement, Tempo
Western Trail: Agility, Balance, Intelligence, Stamina
Working Ranch: Intelligence, Agility, Balance, Strength

Title Points Needed 
Champion - 200 Points
Grand Champion - 700 Points
Master Champion - 1,500 Points
Master Grand Champion - 3,000 Points
Supreme Champion - 4,900
Supreme Grand Champion - 7,300
Supreme Master Grand Champion - 10,000

Temperaments Needed For Each Competition 
high Strung:
Sprint Racing
Harness Racing

Pole Bending
Barrel Racing
Driven Dressage

Show Jumping
Cross Country
Obstacle Driving
Marathon Driving

Working Ranch
Saddle seat

Log Pull
Western Pleasure
Western Trail

Information about the feeds 
Fiber: High fiber is very important to keep your horse healthy. If they are not fed enough fiber they could suffer from colic which is very dangerous.
Protein: High protein is required for very fit horses to maintaing their fitness, but protein is expensive.
Sugar: Sugar can make horses hyper (increase their Temperament), which is benefitial for some competitions (like racing), but bad for others (like dressage). Sugar is cheap though so its an easy way to get a lot of energy while training.

Feeds That Will Help You In Competitions 
Discipline: Ideal Body Condition Score
English Disciplines
Cross Country: 4 (Moderately Thin) to 5 (Moderate)
Dressage: 5 (Moderate) to 6 (Moderately Fleshy)
Hunter: 4 (Moderately Thin) to 5 (Moderate)
Saddleseat: 3 (Thin) to 4 (Moderately Thin)
Show Jumping: 4 (Moderately Thin) to 5 (Moderate)
In-hand Jumping: 4 (Moderately Thin)

Western Disciplines

Barrel Racing: 5 (Moderate) to 6 (Moderately Fleshy)
Cutting: 4 (Moderately Thin) to 5 (Moderate)
Pole Bending: 5 (Moderate)
Reining: 4 (Moderately Thin) to 5 (Moderate)
Western Pleasure: 5 (Moderate)
Western Trail: 5 (Moderate)
Working Ranch: 5 (Moderate)

Racing Disciplines

Racing: 3 (Thin) to 4 (Moderately Thin)
Spring Racing: 3 (Thin) to 4 (Moderately Thin)
Steeplechasing: 4 (Moderately Thin) to 5 (Moderate)
Endurance: 3 (Thin) to 4 (Moderately Thin)
Harness Racing: 3 (Thin) to 4 (Moderately Thin)

Driving Disciplines

Driven Dressage: 5 (Moderate)
Log Pull: 5 (Moderate) to 6 (Moderately Fleshy)
Marathon Driving: 5 (Moderate)
Obstacle Driving: 5 (Moderate)

Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
Pasture 1
Large White Board Pasture
8% Filled
100% Visit Area
New Area
Small Purple Country Barn
75% Filled
Visit Area
Calabrese Project
Large Driftwood Board Pasture
[ Arabian x Andalusian ] x [ Thoroughbred x Hackney ]
25% Filled
100% Visit Area
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