Golden Gates Ranch

Golden Gates Ranch owned by Golden Meadows

Welcome to Golden Gates Ranch!

About Us

Golden Gates Ranch is a stable dedicated to breeding the most colourful top quality Racing Thoroughbreds on the market!  We focus on breeding mares instead of stallions, but the stallions we do have will be up for stud when they become 3 years old.


We also host our own races, the Golden Gates Stakes are run every week and have $1,500 entry fees with a varying prize pot.  And the Angel Crest Stakes are a series of three races with very large prize pots and huge entry fees for the most advanced racers.  The Angel Crest Stakes races are as follows:

  •  Angel's Halo Derby - The first race, with an entry fee of $25,000 and a hefty prize pot.
  • Angel's Wing Oaks - The second race, with an entry fee of $25,000 and a larger prize pot than the Halo Derby.
  • Angel's Crest Stakes - The final race in the series.  $50,000 entry fee with a MASSIVE prize pot.

For all races, entries are limited to Thoroughbreds only as I'd like to promote the breed and promote Racing in general.

Sales And Breeding

Occasionally I'll have ads posted in sales for you all to look at, if you'd like to enquire about a horse that is not up for sale, Email me at [email protected] with a subject such as "Horse World Online sale" or something so I know, otherwise your email may be marked as spam.

For breeding, I'll have stallions up once they turn three (3) years old.  Feel free to Email me regarding brooding out a mare of mine.

Training And Boarding

I am a very active player so feel free to Email me about training and boarding services.  Cost will depend on duration, feed and whether or not they are kept in a stable or in a pasture, you may choose the feed your horse(s) get and they will all be kept on pasture so they get fibre from grazing.

Please include the feed type for your horse, as well as a link to the horse, where you'd like them housed (Pasture or Barn, pasture recommended as it's cheaper) and if you'd like them trained.  If you'd like them trained, include a schedule, described below.

If you'd like your horse trained, include a schedule for me to follow.  This means the place (Arena, hills, etc) the gait (Walk, trto, etc) and the duration, as well as extras (Lunge on line, poles, etc)

We'll discuss the cost in the Email.

Thanks <3

Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
Boarding Pasture
Small White Board Pasture
Horses here are in boarding, owners listed in the individual horses notes.

Will be mown regularly until I get some clients.
0% Filled
100% Visit Area
Thoroughbred Racehorses
Large White Board Pasture
100% Visit Area
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