Ranch Solitude

Ranch Solitude owned by Alana82

Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
Paddock Paradise - Tarpan Broodmares
Large White Board Pasture
Tarpan broodmares in my breeding program 100% Filled
53.3% Visit Area
Paddock Paradise - Tarpan broodmares
Large White Board Pasture
Tarpan broodmares in my breeding program 100% Filled
69.4% Visit Area
Paddock Paradise - Showhorses/In-Training/Studs
Large White Board Pasture
Horses actively showing in Local/General shows, horses in training and stallions/colts that are a part of my breeding program 75% Filled
62.7% Visit Area
Paddock Paradise - Paso Fino broodmares
Large White Board Pasture
Paso Fino broodmares in my breeding program 83% Filled
76.8% Visit Area
Paddock Paradise - Crummy foal quest breeding stock
Large White Board Pasture
Stallions and mares used for breeding a foal with a maximum GP of 10,000 67% Filled
20.7% Visit Area
Paddock Paradise - Przewalski Broodmares
Large White Board Pasture
Przewalski broodmares in my breeding program 25% Filled
21.9% Visit Area
Paddock Paradise - Sales
Large White Board Pasture
Horses that are or will be for sale 0% Filled
22.8% Visit Area
Paddock Paradise - Tarpan Studs
Large White Board Pasture
Tarpan studs in my breeding program 67% Filled
20.6% Visit Area
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