Harmony Hill Stables

Harmony Hill Stables owned by 27mariadahlq

Current Horses:

Shania: Mare/ 17 years old/ 18.3hh/ Dapple Grey/ Thoroughbred/ foaled 2 foals

King: Stallion/ 21 years old/ 14.2hh/ Dark sorrel/ Arabian/ sired 4 foals

Cali: Mare/ 11 years old/ 17.0hh/ smokey grey/ Thoroughbred X Arabian

Broodmares: 2
Stallions: 2
Foals: 4

Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
Main Pasture
Large White Board Pasture
A relaxing pasture with flowing grass, beautiful trees, and pretty flowers and plenty of space to run and frolic about during the day. 25% Filled
35.2% Visit Area
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