ஆ Arcana Stables

ஆ Arcana Stables owned by Revv

Working to recreate the first Nez Perce Horses of HWO.

The Nez Perce Horse is "based on cross-breeding the old-line Appaloosa horses (the Wallowa herd) with an ancient Central Asian breed called Akhal-Teke" (according to Wikipedia). They have superb stamina, agility, balance, and tempo. Nez Perce Horses typically sport a buckskin or palomino coat with Appaloosa characteristics—mottled skin with a spotted coat or a blanket---but they can carry any color of the ancestors. Stallions need to stand at least 14.2hh and mares a minimum of 14hh. Max height is 16.2hh. Build should be Light to Medium with a body size of 5% - 29% and type of 88% - 67%.

First Generation accepted at 50% Akhal Teke and 50% Appaloosa. Subsequent generations will be accepted as long as there is no more than 88% Appaloosa or Akhal-Teke.

Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
Recruitment Stage
Medium Cherry Board Pasture
100% Filled
72.7% Visit Area
Brooding Pasture
Large White Board Pasture
75% Filled
97.3% Visit Area
Arcana Stables
Medium Brown-White Country Barn
0% Filled
Visit Area
Medium Cherry Board Pasture
38% Filled
86.5% Visit Area
Training Pen
Small Natural Board Pasture
75% Filled
70.9% Visit Area
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