Cowgirl121's Farm

Cowgirl121's Farm owned by Cowgirl121

horses With no supplies are for sale but if you request a haltered horse i will remove their supplies for another horse and thereĀ  you GO!!! but if i do not have at least 2 female and 1 male NO HORSES ARE FOR SALE ! also if the horse you are requesting is UNDER 1 year i will sell WITH SUPPLIES HALTER POLO'S ETC.

Also if you see a yellow tree with dandelions around it that means one of my horses has passed if the flower in the middle is red a male has passed if the flower is purple a female has passed

Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
Misc horses
Large White Board Pasture
I cannot figure out how to add pastures so all horses are here 92% Filled
73.2% Visit Area
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