Dragon´s Lair's Farm

Dragon´s Lair's Farm owned by Dragon´s Lair

Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
Barren Plains Colony
Large Walnut Board Pasture
The Leader´s name is always Huracán or Flecha
They believe that The Huracán or Flecha will guide them, protect and heal them, and only it can breed.
Allies with the Fireblaze colony
Enemies with the Meadow Family.
75% Filled
69.4% Visit Area
Fireblaze Colony
Medium Driftwood Board Pasture
The Leader´s name is always Faolan or Sukari.
They believe that The Faolan or Sukari will guide them, protect and heal them, and only it can breed.
Allies with the Thunderbolt Pack and the Fortuny Coalition.
75% Filled
64% Visit Area
Fortuny Coalition
Medium Driftwood Board Pasture
They will try choosing their leader, and after he/she dies, the rest will choose another one together.
The current leader is Osaza
63% Filled
74.2% Visit Area
Refugees Barn
Medium Green Country Barn
Exiled, Rogues, Loners, etc. will have a home here. 100% Filled
Visit Area
Thunderbolt Pack
Medium Walnut Board Pasture
100% Filled
60.5% Visit Area
Exposed Area
Medium Walnut Board Pasture
Some horses of all tribes, families, clans, etc will take turns to be here.
While they are here, they can be bought.
0% Filled
90.8% Visit Area
Ice Blossom Kingdom
Medium Driftwood Board Pasture
King and/or Queen, offspring are Princes and Princesses.
Friends with the Amethyst Troop and Enemies with the Hurricane Clan
88% Filled
43.4% Visit Area
Small Copper Family
Small Walnut Board Pasture
With Matriarch.
Members can support other Clans or Families
75% Filled
69.1% Visit Area
Medium Driftwood Board Pasture
With A Leader, Lieutenant and A Healer.
Also, Queens (pregnant mares), elders, apprentices and warriors.
Variety of names.
Leader has "Star" on his/her name
88% Filled
73.4% Visit Area
Amethist Troop
Large Driftwood Board Pasture
The boss is the eldest, originally formed from the other families, colonies , herds and packs.
Friends to The Ice Blossom Kingdom.
100% Filled
57.7% Visit Area
Little Wild Pack
Small Driftwood Board Pasture
75% Filled
58.6% Visit Area
Meadow Family
Medium Driftwood Board Pasture
88% Filled
60.8% Visit Area
Stealthy Hooves Herd
Large White Board Pasture
83% Filled
62.8% Visit Area
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