Estate Porcellum

Estate Porcellum owned by Psycho0912

Welcome at Estate Porcellum.

The perfect horses you need are bred and trained here. If you spot an interesting filly, colt, mare or stallion, don't hesitate to ping me with an offer and the link to the horse.

The horses which are bred by me have *EP* In front of their name. This is the affix to indicate they're bred at Estate Porcellum.

When you buy a horse of me with the affix *EP*, please don't change that, but when you really want to, go ahead, it's your choice.




Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
Best Altais [PROJECT]
Medium Green Country Barn
Here are the best Altais I've got, with them I can try to get better stats. 75% Filled
Visit Area
Training #1
Small White Board Pasture
Horses in training 75% Filled
36.8% Visit Area
Competition Barn #1
Large Brown Country Barn
Horses who've finished their training #1 42% Filled
Visit Area
Medium White Board Pasture
horses I have to keep 88% Filled
60.2% Visit Area
Purebred Altai Mares/Fillies [PROJECT]
Medium White Board Pasture
The Altai mares/fillies for my Altai project 50% Filled
100% Visit Area
*EP* FOR SALE [Description]
Medium Driftwood Board Pasture
Here are foals and horses/ponies who are for the *EP* Sales
Ping me if you're interested in one
13% Filled
100% Visit Area
Purebred Altais Stallions/Colts [PROJECT]
Medium White Board Pasture
my purebred Altai stallions/colts for my Altai project 88% Filled
70.6% Visit Area
Large White Board Pasture
Horses who are failures/experiments of mine sleep here.
If you're looking for a cheap horse, take a look in this pasture.
8% Filled
100% Visit Area
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