Briar Ridge Stables

Briar Ridge Stables owned by aakkaa2006

    Hello, and welcome to Briar Ridge Stable. i created this stable for training, and breeding purposes.

I did NOT write this so i can NOT take any credit for it

By popular request, my thoughts, opinions, and training method. Otherwise known as, How to train your horse before age 3!

Please note that the number of years it takes to train your horse will somewhat depend on both your training style and the number of player courses you have completed.

Quick Start Training Courses

* The fastest way to take down the number of years it takes to complete horse training is to focus on a few key training course areas.

1. Energy Saver Courses:

The less energy your horse uses per turn, the more it will be able to train once its stamina is sufficiently high. When you've completed all the energy saver courses, a horse with max stamina will take only 5% energy to complete most techniques. That's a maximum of 20 thirty minute sessions of whatever per turn!

2. Stamina Training Courses:

One thing that determines how much energy a particular action will take is Stamina! In the beginning, your horse may only be able to do 10-20 minutes at a Walk in the Arena while Lunging on the Flat. But if you keep at it, eventually, your horse will be able to do practically anything! And the stamina training courses will allow your stamina to go up even faster!

3. Training Techniques/Advanced Training:

These are the courses that affect all stats a little bit . The reason these are more important than any other other courses that you can do is that once you've finished the energy saver and stamina courses, these are the only other courses you can do that will continue to affect stamina! So you'll hit max stamina even faster still, and maxing stamina means minimizing energy!

4. Fast Courses Not Already Completed:

When I say fast courses, I mean any course that will take you under an hour . You may have already done some of these or you may not have. Just take an afternoon and set a course while you're making dinner or something, note the time, and come back and start another one as soon as it is finished. Just make sure if you're going to bed to start a really long course, so you're not wasting time.

5. Movement Courses:

With the way I train horses, and subsequently the training method listed, movement is the stat that ends up being the hardest to train after stamina. Hence, movement courses!

6. All Other Courses:

After everything listed has been completed, you can choose what you want to focus on. It may be a specific discipline's stats or it may be something that takes you longer than others to train. I usually just picked a couple and completed all the shorter ones, 6 hours or less during the day, and left everything else to work overnight or while I went to work/school.

Hints, Tips, Tricks, and Other Info

1. Player Level: Most of the things you can do in the game give you experience points. These points affect your player level. Your player level is important because it allows you to assign skill points to one of six categories. Each level you go up, you get one more skill point to assign.

2. ***Skill Points/Knowledge Points:Assigning skill points to a specific category changes how long each player course with one of those designated categories will take to complete. Each Horse Ownership, Training, and Competition Management Course will have two skill categories or Attributes listed. When you assign a skill point or knowledge point*** to one of those attribute categories, then the time the course takes to complete decreases. If you assign a point to the first attribute listed, the time will go down more than if you assign it to the second attribute category.

3. Horse Weight/Energy: At the time this guide was written, there were still bugs in the feeding system. So we'll take weight and energy both together and separately. Starting with weight: A horse's weight affects how well it will do in particular events. If you have an event in mind, you can click the ? next to Feeding on the light brown headed above where you assign feed and amounts. This will pull up a guide (if you scroll down for it) of ideal body weights by discipline. Next is Energy: Energy and feeding are very much tied together. When a horse is in an awkward growth stage, usually around 6 months-ish, there is almost nothing you can do to keep it's energy at 100% for a couple of turns. Accept this and move on. Train what you can then go to the next turn. This should not happen for more than a few turns. Your horse, however, needs to be at 100% energy as much as possible during training, or you are reducing the amount of training you are able to do.

4. Max Feed Amounts (Otherwise Known as Having Trouble with Weight or Energy %s ?): As the feeding systems is currently not working at 100% efficiency, I will point out a very common issue that many players have. Max Feed Amounts! I copied this directly from one of my Horses.

At the moment, each of the feed sections: Protein, Fiber, and Sugar have bars. This does not affect your horse at this time. Ignore them. Life is happier if you do. The area listed as Regular feed is how much you are currently feeding your horse. As you can see up by Daily Energy, I am feeding my horse 100%, so his daily energy should always be 100% (unless in that awkward growth phase). Now a common problem with this area is that many players have not registered the area called Max Feed. Max feed refers to the maximum amount a horse can eat. For instance, if you try to feed your horse a bunch of hay then some weight gain mix, your horse may fill up on the hay and never eat the feed. When you are trying to feed your horse too much, the feed numbers will turn red. If the numbers are red, it literally means: Stop! I can't eat this much. Heartache and much pain lies ahead for you!

~BRS~ Training Regime

***Note: This is only a general guideline as how much energy something will take depends on the courses you've completed.

1. Begin Training with Arena, Walk, Longe on Flat, Max Time You can Train. (I.e. I can start a horse at 20 minutes, then I may be able to do 5 more) Continue this until you are able to start your horse on 30 minutes in the Arena at a Walk while Lunging on Flat.

2. Train on Arena at a Walk while Lunging until you are able to switch to Collection and Impulsion (+Strength, +Stamina, ++Intelligence, +Movement, 5 Difficulty) for 30 minutes at a time. Should take a few turns-ish. Continue this until you have maxed out stamina (99.8%)! This will take awhile. When you have completed the energy saver courses, you will eventually be able to get down to this only taking 5% energy every 30 minutes of work. Continue this until you no longer gain any stamina or intelligence.

3. Switch to Jumping Obstacles (++Balance, ++++Agility, ++Strength, +Speed, 9 Difficulty). This will allow you to quickly gain agility, strength, and speed! Continue with this until you no longer gain Agility.

4. Switch to Ground Poles (+Intelligence, +++Tempo, ++Movement, 6 Difficulty). This will allow you to finish up Movement and Tempo at the same time. Continue until you no longer gain any Movement or Tempo.

5. Switch to Lunge on Flat again. Then change the gait to gallop. Continue with this until you no longer gain any Speed.


Competition Name

Stats Evaluated

Barrel Racing

Agility, Speed, Strength, Balance

Cross Country

Stamina, Strength, Agility, Balance


Agility, Intelligence, Strength, Speed


Movement, Balance, Tempo, Strength

Driven Dressage

Movement, Balance, Strength, Tempo


Stamina, Speed, Agility, Tempo

Harness Racing

Speed, Stamina, Strength, Tempo


Movement, Strength, Tempo, Balance

In-Hand Jumping

Intelligence, Agility, Strength, Stamina

Log Pull

Strength, Stamina, Movement, Tempo

Marathon Driving

Strength, Stamina, Tempo, Intelligence

Obstacle Driving

Strength, Agility, Stamina, Balance

Pole Bending

Speed, Agility, Intelligence, Balance


Speed, Stamina, Strength, Speed


Agility, Strength, Movement, Balance


Balance, Agility, Movement, Intelligence

Show Jumping

Balance, Strength, Agility, Speed

Sprint Racing

Speed, Strength, Agility, Speed


Speed, Agility, Strength, Stamina

Western Pleasure

Intelligence, Balance, Movement, Tempo

Western Trail

Agility, Balance, Intelligence, Stamina

Working Ranch

Intelligence, Agility, Balance, Strength

Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
New Area
Medium Walnut Board Pasture
13% Filled
54.9% Visit Area
Medium Walnut Board Pasture
38% Filled
49.7% Visit Area
For Sale
Medium Walnut Board Pasture
Here you will find my horses that are for sale 38% Filled
43.2% Visit Area
Medium Walnut Board Pasture
63% Filled
52% Visit Area
Medium Walnut Board Pasture
38% Filled
50.1% Visit Area
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