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Vladimir Show Barn

Vladimir Heavy Draft horses in active competition.

GCh. ⇒ɱρξ⇐ New Note

Stallion, 23 years, 0.2 month
Vladimir Heavy Draft, 17.0hh
Gold Roan Snowflake
52,095 (+7)
++ | = | + | = | = | + | = | +++
51 - GREEN - good, strong
27 - average

Log Pull: 59.61

Ch. ⇒ɱρξ⇐ Rhythm

Stallion, 20 years, 1.2 months
Vladimir Heavy Draft, 18.3hh
Strawberry Roan
51,477 (+8)
++ | = | + | = | = | ++ | = | +++
54 - GREEN - bull
27 - average

log pull: 58.11

Log Pull Potential: 55
Best Potential: Working Ranch (69.3)

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Echo

Stallion, 17 years, 8.7 months
Vladimir Heavy Draft, 17.1hh
Flaxen Gold Roan
52,469 (+8)
++ | = | = | + | + | + | = | +++
55 - GREEN - legs
28 - perfect manner

Log pull: 57.73

Log Pull Potential: 54.5
Best Potential: Working Ranch (59.6)

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Eighth Note

Stallion, 16 years, 8.2 months
Vladimir Heavy Draft, 16.3hh
Brown Roan
51,444 (+8)
++ | = | + | + | = | = | + | +++
58 - 22 - 28 - 15
58 - GREEN - bull
28 - cautious and gracious

Log Pull Potential: 56.9
Best Potential: Marathon Driving (59.5)

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Bullpen

Stallion, 16 years, 5.2 months
Part Vladimir Heavy Draft x Andalusian, 18.3hh
Blonde Strawberry Roan
Second green mov Vlad :)
53,834 (+5)
= | = | = | ++ | = | = | = | +++
60 - 31 - 39 - 19
19-strong as any
60-GR-fine mover

Dressage Potential: 61.3 - Best Score: 45.69
Driven Dressage Potential: 59.3 - Best Score: 51.84
Best Potential: Western Pleasure (68.8)

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Whole Secret

Mare, 16 years, 4.2 months
Vladimir Heavy Draft, 15.3hh
Brown Roan
First Vlad filly with green strength. :D
Carries tiger eye
51,175 (+7)
++ | = | = | + | + | = | = | +++
59 - 38 - 33 - 20
59 - GREEN - should hold up
33 - steady, certain

Log Pull Potential: 58.5 - Best Score: 59.57
Highest Potential: Marathon Driving (60.5)

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Metronome

Stallion, 15 years, 7.6 months
Vladimir Heavy Draft, 17.0hh
Blonde Strawberry Roan
53,627 (+10)
++ | = | + | + | + | + | + | +++
57 - 24 - 33 - 18
57 - green - one strong colt
33 - cautious and gracious

Log Pull Potential: 59.8
Best Potential: Working Ranch (67.2)

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Schedule

Stallion, 13 years, 9.1 months
Vladimir Heavy Draft, 16.1hh
Brown Hip Blanket
52,015 (+9)
++ | + | = | + | + | + | = | +++
57 - 32 - 29 - 16
57 - GREEN - should hold up
29 - knows what to do

Log Pull Potential: 56 - Best Score: 57.63
Best Overall Potential: Marathon Driving (58.9)

⇒ɱρξ⇐ Unsullied

Stallion, 10 years, 4.6 months
Vladimir Heavy Draft, 18.2hh
Strawberry Roan
51,259 (+10)
++ || = || + || + || + || + || + || +++
60 - 15 - 35 - 16
60 - green - one strong colt
35 - cautious and gracious

Log Pull: 59.54
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