Faith's Farm <3

Faith's Farm <3 owned by tatonka1233

Champion - 200 Points
Grand Champion - 700 Points
Master Champion - 1,500 Points
Master Grand Champion - 3,000 Points
Supreme Champion - 4,900
Supreme Grand Champion - 7,300
Supreme Master Grand Champion - 10,000

1. Begin Training with Arena, Walk, Longe on Flat, Max Time You can Train. (I.e. I can start a horse at 20 minutes, then I may be able to do 5 more) Continue this until you are able to start your horse on 30 minutes in the Arena at a Walk while Lunging on Flat.
2. Train on Arena at a Walk while Lunging until you are able to switch to Collection and Impulsion (+Strength, +Stamina, ++Intelligence, +Movement, 5 Difficulty) for 30 minutes at a time. Should take a few turns-ish. Continue this until you have maxed out stamina (99.8%)! This will take awhile. When you have completed the energy saver courses, you will eventually be able to get down to this only taking 5% energy every 30 minutes of work. Continue this until you no longer gain any stamina or intelligence.
3. Switch to Jumping Obstacles (++Balance, ++++Agility, ++Strength, +Speed, 9 Difficulty). This will allow you to quickly gain agility, strength, and speed! Continue with this until you no longer gain Agility.
4. Switch to Ground Poles (+Intelligence, +++Tempo, ++Movement, 6 Difficulty). This will allow you to finish up Movement and Tempo at the same time. Continue until you no longer gain any Movement or Tempo.
5. Switch to Lunge on Flat again. Then change the gait to gallop. Continue with this until you no longer gain any Speed.

Starting a new Project!

Breeding the Alter-Real!

Alter-Real 39 

Area Description Horse Capacity Quality
Thoroughbred Colts for Sale
Large Walnut Board Pasture
17% Filled
79.1% Visit Area
Thoroughbred Fillies
Large Walnut Board Pasture
17% Filled
81.4% Visit Area
Thoroughbred Stallions
Large Walnut Board Pasture
92% Filled
67.3% Visit Area
Thoroughbred Broodmothers
Large Walnut Board Pasture
100% Filled
87.1% Visit Area
Thoroughbred Broodmothers
Large Walnut Board Pasture
100% Filled
91.5% Visit Area
Old Thoroughbreds
Large Walnut Board Pasture
25% Filled
100% Visit Area
Grade Horse
Large White Board Pasture
33% Filled
93% Visit Area
Large White Board Pasture
67% Filled
75.5% Visit Area
Thoroughbred Fillies
Large White Board Pasture
75% Filled
95.3% Visit Area
Freisian Colts for Sale
Large Walnut Board Pasture
0% Filled
100% Visit Area
Old Freisians
Large Walnut Board Pasture
8% Filled
100% Visit Area
Freisian Fillies
Large White Board Pasture
17% Filled
100% Visit Area
Friesian Studs
Large White Board Pasture
25% Filled
100% Visit Area
Freisian Broodmares
Large White Board Pasture
17% Filled
100% Visit Area
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