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Tell me your horse stories!

Fab Ponies
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Re: Tell me your horse stories!

Post by Fab Ponies »

i have a horse sky and he is really cute one day i was getting him from his meadow and he jumped over the fence and then he bucked and hit me in the face im okay but i had to run 4 miles to get him so i rode my freinds horse with no saddle so i could chase him sky was so scared i caught him and rode him home it was hectic but we made it i love sky but he is naughty :lol:
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Re: Tell me your horse stories!

Post by islandhill »

So I have never had the blessing to own my own horse, but I have been able to lease some awesome horses. (Please forgive me, I will try to make this short.)

In 2019 when I was 14 years old I had no friends at my new barn, literally everyone was rude and just ignored me because I was the "new girl" But I worked really hard at my riding, I was like the only one who did not own a horse. Then one day I got pulled aside by my trainer in our feed room. She simply said "Hey, do you want to train a horse that one of our boarders just got?" I said yes even though I knew nothing about this horse.
That week I had my first lesson on Remedy. He was an ex-barrel horse and I wan an eventer. This partnership did not look promising... Remedy would gallop around the area and fight against my hand. I literally had no western experience so I had no idea what he was doing. I tried to stay calm, but I just felt like Remedy and I would get nowhere.
I kept working with him though, and slowly we got better. We went over his very first jump, we overcame his fear of water (and "sea monsters"-a.k.a floating leaves), we started doing some basic dressage movements like leg-yielding and shoulders-in, I would ride him bareback and "bridless" (halter and two lead ropes-lol) down to his paddock, I would ground train him, and I would just spend time with him.
In 2020, right before the COVID pandemic, Remedy and I were competing, jumping 2'3", and doing 2nd level dressage. I was not ready to leave this pony. We were partners and friends.
Unfortunately, two weeks before I had to quarantine, Remedy went lame with what we think was navicular. I blamed myself, thinking that somehow I had overworked him. His owner decided to take him back to a barn closer to her house. And just like that Remedy was gone. Even though it has been so long I still miss him. :(
I know that he is gone, but new horses will come. And I can't wait! :D
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Re: Tell me your horse stories!

Post by Black_Caviar »

Here is my story:

10 years ago, I was around 7 ish. I was obsessed with miniature horses (I prefer saddle horses now, and I did not have Kalli until I was like 11ish, and I just got Rocky). My cousin had 2 miniature horses. One was young and the other was older. My cousin let me ride the younger one (Knight), I loved it! Until one day when I was riding him and he bucked. (He's more on the wilder side than the older one) I went flying into the air, but luckily my Uncle was standing close by and he caught me before I hit the ground! I never rode Knight after that. (Plus I'm way to old to fit on a miniature horse now) (And... Little kid me did not know that I had to get back on if a horse kicked me off)
I never forgot that story :D

~~ Black_Caviar
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Re: Tell me your horse stories!

Post by Malakai10 »

When I first got Teal (Thoroughbred, gelding), he had very little muscle, he was difficult to get on (20+ minutes requiring two people) and was difficult to bridle. He didn't refuse jumps but he rushed at them. He also didn't stand still in general - if you tried to halt, he would start moving around and get agitated. He also spooked at just about everything.

Skip about a year and I board Teal at a different stable, new instructor and the owner got in physios to fix his back and also successfully realised when Teal's saddle stopped fittinf. She also got Teal's weight and muscle up. Paddocks are significantly bigger, Teal starts running away when I try to catch him.

Time skip: I go to a clinic with Richard Maxwell and he got Teal to stand still while mounting.

Another amount of time that I can't remember and we have an accident at a show where Teal barrelled through a jump or two and refused some others. We could neither jump nor canter large because he would freak out.

Another year, I get a new instructor (Teal does not like her, my riding improved tremendously) and we have another clinic with Maxwell. He got Teal to go sanely through cavalettis at a walk and trot. I meant to follow up with that sort of training and get Teal jumping again but never got round to it. I also get a new instructor. Teal likes her. Teal gets put onto calming meds.

A few months on calmers passes, going into this year, and Teal improves and eventually goes off them and mostly remains calm. I get him to jump single jumps well, but still cannot so much as canter two cavalettis nor can I canter large around the big grass arena (although the small dressage arena was sometimes fine.) Teal starts moving while being mounted.

I start using treats to catch Teal and he no longer runs away. A friend tells me about how they used to teach horses to take the bit by coating it in honey, so I tried this with Teal. It didn't work. I started using carrots and biscuits instead and within a few weeks, Teal would put his head into the bridle. I started giving him treats after I got on him and when we halted. Within two weeks, Teal stood still when I got on and when asked to halt, without agitation.

A week ago, I started clicker training. Yesterday, Teal played fetch and soccer with my instructor, didn't spook at ANYTHING, maintained a proper frame while working, didn't get agitated and even remained completely calm when my instructor kicked the ball right in front of him. (I also go to the stables three times a week, Teal had had 8 training sessions over four days by the time he was playing fetch and soccer.)

I still haven't managed to canter large in the grass (I *almost* did last week but then the dogs started barking) but it's still like riding a different horse.
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Re: Tell me your horse stories! My mare bucked Me!

Post by RosesDemise »

I've got quite a story to tell!
I own a retired thoroughbred broodmare that I ride wester, on trail, and just pleasure riding; she's a cute palomino with the biggest and most stubborn attitude for a starter horse but she's just like me which makes us that unique pair.
To start out the beginning of the story me and my mare had tried something new in the round pen, and let's say I was in over my head excited for it. I was working on riding liberty with her, simply riding bareback with no bridle nor reins, just a simple rope around the neck to tell her where to go, sounds like something out of a horse movie right?!
Well, the first day we did it I was very proud of how quickly she got the hang of it, though still being rough around the edges I was content on bringing her into our bigger arena. Since I knew she was still rough I didn't go bareback into the arena so I just put on a quick small saddle and a halter, just in case you know?
She walked out good and I was definitely confident, but a thing about her and the area is that she doesn't like the open space, and clearly, with no bridle, she felt more liberty than what I was initially giving her. Once we had reached the other side of the arena, she felt the need to grab that attitude out of her rump and throw a fit. She turned around and let alone galloping to the other side of the arena (Back towards where we came from-) but bucking and since the saddle was small, my seat wasn't good and the saddle was slippy as the cinch was quite small! Despite managing to hold on, a slippy saddle on a bucking horse is not a good combo and I knew I would fall off eventually if I dint get off now.
So I took a barrel roll of the saddle and into the hard dirt since the other day it rained and the mud from it froze in our mountain weather. My mare kept bucking around in circles around me while I laid on the ground, when she finally calmed down and stood, I got up my very sore body and undid the saddle that how now slipped all the way around and was on her belly.

I certainly disapproved of this behavior and was quite upset as I'm sure anybody would be if they were just bucked off and hurt. So I tied her up and grabbed my saddle that I was comfortable with as well as my bridle! I still planned on riding that day even if it wasn't liberty. I had my talk with her and was very stern with the riding after that, and guess what she did? She tried it again! although we weren't at a gallop she bucked a bit around a corner so I halted her and went back to what we were doing. She didn't try it again that day lucky for me.

By the end of the day, we worked some barrels and she didn't even break a sweat, though I think she deserved to be sweating after her act, I still love that horse and riding is definitely an experience every time even if it's something undesirable.
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Re: Tell me your horse stories!

Post by honeybunny »

I'll try to keep this shortish, but I'm a chatty person sooooo. Hang in there! I promise it's worth it.

So for those of you who don't know I breed, raise and train Arabian horses IRL, along with a few individuals of other breeds including my heart horse, an American Warmblood Sporthorse mare (Currently in foal to an own son of the great Nanning 374).

So my story starts 2 years ago when my best friend called me from her barn, in California, frantic. Her beloved broodmare Kissin' my Gunz or Gunnar had given birth to a small bay foal with a serious case of rickets and a bad case of anemia. It was a shock for such a well cared for pregnancy, but Gunnar was pushing 20 and this was supposed to be her last pregnancy before retirement as the show pony for my friend's 6 year old daughter. However Gunnar went down in the night, bleeding excessively and had to be put to rest after the vet discovered a serious case of uterine rupture. She called me at 4 am in tears and I loaded up into my hatchback and drove from Texas to her ranch on the coast of California near the Oregon boarder, because I'm a supportive friend and something told me I should. When I arrived she showed me to Gunnar's stall to show me the tiny crumpled pile of fuzz in the far corner of the stall, covered in tubes and surrounded by grim vets. My friend explained to me that the tiny colt needed around the clock care, something she could not give considering that she was due to have her fourth child in about a week and no-one else could take over. So she had decided to euthanize the little colt. Something felt off to me. So I asked her if I could stay with him and when he was slightly more stable I would take him and make the return journey to my ranch where I could better provide all his needs and at least try to save him. She agreed.
The little colt who I just called Pistol, survived and started to show enough improvements that the vet felt like he would survive the long drive back to my home. So we made it. It was a ton of work, stopping to tube feed Pistol frequently, keeping my heat cranked up to keep him warm while I sweated bullets and sleepless nights, but we finally reached home with a VERY weak but alive little Pistol. He moved into the house and thus started a routine of IV fluids, tube fed mare's milk (Milked from Ducky and Tigger, a pair of willing draft mares that didn't question my intent of sneaking under them with a bucket while their foals were away weaning.) and goats milk, leg braces and lots of physical therapy. Soon his body began to repair the anemia faded away and the rickets vanished.
Finally he was healthy enough to move out with Cripple Creek my ancient barrel mare to nanny him and once they bonded the two went out with the broodmares and their foals.
Despite the odds Pistol pulled thru, normal in all ways possible.

Now Pistol is two years old and being registered joint in my name and my friend's name as "Hand Me The Gunz". Currently he is starting his training to become a working cow horse, and depending on how he proves himself he will most likely stay with me as a stallion. My hope is that he'll pass on the traditional Hancock bravery from his dam and the absolutely legendary brains of his grandsires Peptoboonsmal and Doc Bar.
He's still a weird colt, loves to cut my heeler (much to her dismay) and chase Cripple Creek around with their burro friend FlapJack. But I gotta admit he's ready to take whatever ring he's put into by storm. :D
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Re: Tell me your horse stories!

Post by Hidalgo »

honeybunny wrote:I'll try to keep this shortish, but I'm a chatty person sooooo. Hang in there! I promise it's worth it.
Aww what an amazing story <3
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Re: Tell me your horse stories!

Post by Thundermare »

I have a crippled Quarter Horse named Copenhagen (vet says he's healthy and doing great) and am currently in the process of buying another horse that I will be able to ride and to keep Cope company. Anyways this was when Cope was still at my house (I just moved him to another pasture so he has more room and better grass). He had escaped but it was night so nobody knew he was missing. :roll:

I heard something at my window and I'm paranoid so I thought it was a murderer. I had a taser and everything and was prepared to go crazy when I peeked through the blinds it was Cope, who was licking my window
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Re: Tell me your horse stories!

Post by MyhorsefriendKoda »

I have a story its not too long but contains deep emotions and wholesome moments and some sorrows. The story of Koda and I and how he saved me mentally.

High school is rough for me and always have been honestly can't wait to graduate. The teachers had so little trust in me and my disabilites that when another autistic kid in my class (I'm autistic too please don't make fun of me) he put bad words on his math test. I saw it and thought that maybe he didn't understand what they were and what they really meant. So I thought if I kindly explained it to the teachers they'd talk to him. But they thought I did it and I got in trouble luckily my mom ratted me out by telling me that isn't even my handwritting. Anyway after a hard day of school I would bike ride to the old horse boarding ranch that was just outside my neighborhood. Watching them made me jealous at times wishing I could be carefree just like them and not worry about what people think of me. One day a lady noticed me watching and walked up to me asking " Hey I noticed you like watching the horses around here wanna pet mine he's very gentle." Me not being able to resist petting a horse I replied with a YES! She disappeared into the pastures and I saw her walk up to a beautiful white horse and clip the lead rope on him. She then led him out slowly towards me. She then said "his name is Koda." He was pure white in the distance but up close was a fleabitten grey. He looked like he had brown tiny freckles. I interduced myself to the lady and horse. The horse wasn't young he was pretty old in fact. His back sagged slightly. But other than that he was beautiful. I stroked his soft muzzle and he stood still and patiently enjoying the strokes. Afterwards visiting him became a daily thing. I would greet the lady and say "Hey there how are you and Koda doing?" After telling how her day went she would fetch Koda from the pasture and lead him to me. Having a friend made life a little bit easier. And as time went on a friendship blossomed. He even let me hug him around the head the lady says he never really let's her do that. I also felt more confendent knowing I have a friend. I stood up for myself more against my teachers who would at times talk about me badly behind my back. One day I was given an asighnment and I had to write down what I wanted my dream job to be and I wrote to rescue horses. My teacher thought it was a useless dream and I wouldn't gain much with it. I was hurt when she said that so hurt that after school instead of dropping my stuff off and having dinner with my family after coming off the bus I grabbed my bike and rode down to see Koda. It was a rainy day that night. And his owner wasn't there and Koda was all cozy inside his stall. Without thinking I walked into the stable and hugged Koda tightly from inside his stall. His kind gentle expression seemed to be saying everything will be alright. The lady came in surprised to see me but when she saw me in tears she said nothing and left us alone. The next day I had to retake the test and I put the same answer. It took 3 times but finally I spoke up and said "If saving animal's lives is so useless to you why do you even own some (she has a cat and a dog) if animals are so useless why own any would you say the same thing if your pets were abused and hurt? They deserve respect too. My teacher was kinda mad at me for yelling at her and I got another F but I didn't care anymore. It was my first time I really told them how I felt about this. It's my passion not their's so why should I care what they think? That night I was so excited to tell Koda about my first stand up against my mean teachers. But it was raining again and I honestly didn't feel like slipping in puddles on a bike and scrapping my knee so I decided to tell him tomorrow. Me and Koda have been friends for quite some time years in fact and as I was about to go to bed my mom came into my room with news that stabbed me through my heart. She knew about my love for Koda and had the lady's phone number. And the lady's voice spoke through the phone in my mom's hand. She said that Koda had died. He was put to sleep by a stomach tumor. My heart ached in disbelif. No it can't be. He can't actually be gone. I had trouble sleeping last night. Barely slept at all. And when I rode out into the stables still in disbelif I walked into his stall. It was empty. I felt numb. I fell onto my knees crying. For 3 days I was lost. But one day I saw him once more in my dreams. Looking as gentle and as kind as ever. His eyes gazed at me as if his spirit was there telling me not to cry and everything will be alright. I decided that I should move on the next day. But of course I never forgotten him. Sometimes I do still see him in my dreams. And whenever I'm sad I remember the things he taught me and I feel a bit better. The end.
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Re: Tell me your horse stories!

Post by Enchanted Equine »

My story is about my horse Jupiter. He’s a 15hh 9yro quarab gelding. The other week I went out to the barn and was riding around but he was being really sluggish and wouldn’t go so I hopped off to see what was wrong. I tried leading him around in some circles and then he decided to roll in the sand! I was yelling and pulling the reins to get him to stand up before he wrecked the saddle and it took like 10 seconds to get him to listen. Then the saddle was all dirty and the stirrups were tangled up on the side he’d rolled on. My grandma was furious!!! So I took him to his stall, took off his tack, and then took him out to roll again. But he wouldn’t roll this time. So I ended up just letting him back out into the pasture and of course he rolled right in the mud instead.
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