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Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Leopard Horse
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Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Post by Leopard Horse »

Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Clubs Brand:


What is this:

This is a club for the people who breed Racing TB's and would like to enhance their colors to make them even more beautiful! In this club we will be breeding Racing TB's, but instead of their regular colors, we will be breeding their colors to the Leopard Pattern. Big Spots, Little Spots it doesn't matter which. They will all be beautiful!

Leopard Horse - Competitor

BlackOak2 - Breeder

Club Aid
Coat Pattern & Black Base

Conformation & Body Boost

Rule Enforcer:
h0rsey As of 7/31/2020

Senior Members:

Elaina_Brewster - Competitor
Joined on March 15th, 2020

mlloftus - Competitor
Joined on March 19th, 2020

Renegade Pegasus - Competitor
Joined on March 28th, 2020

Soaring Hooves - Competitor
Joined on April 11th, 2020

Veterinarian - Breeder
Joined on April N/A

ST0RM - Competitor
Joined on April N/A

Katy_Kanes - Competitor
Joined on April N/A

h0rsey - Competitor
Joined on May 15, 2020

D.M Boarding - Competitor
Joined on May 27, 2020

Lemoncypress - Competitor
Joined on May 24, 2020

spottedleaf10 - Competitor
Joined on May 24, 2020

PeacefulOreo - Competitor
Joined on June 2, 2020

Walnut the Hamster - Competitor
June 20th, 2020

Thundering Horses 2 - Competitor
June 26th, 2020

Clover Stables - Breeder
June 29th, 2020

Junior Members:

malella - Breeder
Joined on April 10th, 2020

Collector's_Holding - Competitor
Joined on April 17th, 2020

Horsestarlover02 - Breeder
June 26th, 2020

Leopard Horse:

Leopard Horse joined this club on 3/12/2020. I am the starter of Leopard Horse Farm, Leopard Horse2 Farm, Horses I Love Them I am the proud breeder of Racing TB's, Endurance and Racing Arabians.


BlackOak2 joined this club on 3/13/2020. Co-founder of the Spotted Racing Thoroughbred club. Selectively producing racing thoroughbreds solely with leopard coats (among many other projects).

Member Information:

For the foreseeable future, all new applications to the club will be on hold. Any new requests will be immediately denied. This has been discussed and to be fair to our current members and all new members in the future, we must take this opportunity to catch up to the supply of the foundations.
Thank you for your patience.
This notice will be removed the moment that applications will again be accepted for consideration.

Club member deals between members of both sale and studding are at the discretion of the club members involved. Any disputes that do not find a resolution will be settled by the President or Co-Founder.

Club Horse Sales
Sale of club horses, with the exception of your foundation horse the club gives to you upon sign-up, is not restricted, though we do request for the time being you let us know of the club-offspring you are selling.
We have two options for the sales of your club offspring:
Approved Homes & Non-Approved Homes.
Approved Homes will receive a discounted price of your stock but will NOT be less then $100,000 base price.
Non-Approved Homes will NOT receive a discounted price of your stock. Base price will start at $500,000.
This is designed to protect our club, benefits, our members and our bloodstock.
Base pricing different from these will need special approval by the President.

Club Horse Studding
Studding of club horses, at the present time, we are NOT recommending studding of any club horses to the public (this includes the foundation horse you are given upon sign-up, which should NEVER be offered to public stud). If you should decide to do so, we are asking, but not requiring, that you let us know of the standing.
Base price for all NON-club members of a stud will start at $200,000.

Your Club Foundation Horse
If or when your acceptance into the club has been posted, you will be given your foundation horse shortly thereafter. This will be your Club Foundation Mare or your Club Foundation Stallion. This horse will be semi-tailored to your breeding and competing needs and will be expected to be integrated into your current stock or be the foundation of the stock you create under the Club Breeding Mark.
Please Protect Your Club Foundation Horse!
You will only receive the one. Your foundation horse is not meant to be sold to another player, club member or otherwise, or put at public stud. Although we will allow your Foundation Stallion (if that's what you were given), to be used as a sire for other club members.
Your Club Foundation Horse will come fully trained and in some cases will also have a comp-testing done.
Your Club Foundation Horse will be at or under 5 years (unless prior exception is discussed with the President or Co-Founder).
**WARNING: If you SELL your Club Foundation horse to a non-club member, you will be ejected from the club. However, moving your horse to a freeze account is acceptable. If moving the horse to a board account (a non-member account; i.e. somebody that is not you), please inform us BEFORE the move. If we see a Foundation Horse in an account outside of a club member for any amount of time, you Will Risk being booted from the club.

Horse Related:



Bloodline Registration

Foundation Horse Sign Out


Joining and Interviewing:
Currently No Separate Link

**Please choose your best representation of your Thoroughbred stock. The horse MUST have been bred by you and should have a competition record. Preferably, the record should have the racing disciplines we cover (Harness Racing, Racing, Sprint Racing, Steeplechase), but it is not a requirement. Having a strong competition record is also not a requirement, as long as there exists a record. The horse need NOT be trained by you or trained at all, but this does help.**

Training Forum
Last edited by Leopard Horse on Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:05 am, edited 45 times in total.
Leopard Horse
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Re: Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Post by Leopard Horse »

Club Rules And Pinging Codes


Overall Club Rules

1) Observe and obey all HWO rules.
2) Any disagreements between club members that are not resolved peacefully will be resolved without further objection by the President and the Co-Founder or also by a group of voluntary senior members or also a group of chosen senior members.
3) If at any time the President or Co-Founder are not available, either for a short or extended time (24-hr or longer time-span), then a voluntary group of senior members has the authority to step in and act as a democratic entity for the club management, with no less than three volunteers and working in a majority vote state. The Rule Enforcer may only volunteer as part of the group as long as the event or subject under discussion is not directly related to a rule change or rule interpretation.
4) The Rule Enforcer cannot make or change rules.
5) If a rule is ever questioned about interpretation, the Rule Enforcer cannot offer insight into it, only the President, Co-Founder or the acting club management has the ability to do so.
6) The Rule Enforcer may not make any exceptions to the rules or to the disciplinary actions taken, this includes any changes to the escalation.
7) The President, Co-Founder, or the acting club management will not rescind, alter or otherwise interfere with any warning or correction the Rule Enforcer hands to any club member.

Training Specific Rules

1) There is to be NO MORE than four requests for training PER DAY.
2) Please limit only requesting one horse from all of your accounts per day and only racing styles (harness, sprint, steeple, racing). There is an exception to this, linking of a training barn or pasture will be tolerated, but at least one must be maintained 'at sale' for pickup at any time (please ensure it's easily noticed, i.e. the very top horse). Only one request with a link to the barn or pasture will be a allowed per day. If a member is caught requesting training of horses in batches, there will be a warning or also a removal of any non-club-horse training for a limited, extended or permanent time.
3) Training will be style-specific.
4) Training will be 'at trainers discretion' (meaning that training may be in just those stats or full, depending on the easier route for our trainers).
5) To be fair to our trainers, no member can send a Train-For-Sale horse for training (these horses are horses meant to be sold just after training). This DOES NOT include club branded stock. However, if notified of the sale, our trainers can make a case-by-case exception. Also, please always notify of a Train-For-Sale horse sent for training.

Discipline And Escalation

Please note that the scale of the indiscretion may mean immediate harsher punishment and will escalate from that point (this includes forgoing even the warning).
Before any disciplinary action takes place, a single warning will be issued to cease and desist or correct.
First Offense: 2 week suspension from club services
Second Offense: 1 month suspension from club services
Third Offense: 1 month temporary suspension from the club

After the third offense penalty is concluded, the escalation resets. However, if the 'Third Offense' comes again, the following action takes place:
Final Offense: Permanent expulsion from the club

Pinging Codes

En Masse Whole Member Pinging

Code: Select all

[quote="Leopard Horse"]...[/quote]







[quote="Soaring Hooves"]...[/quote]








[quote="D.M Boarding"]....[/quote]


[quote="walnut the hamster"]...[/quote]


[quote="Thundering Horses 2"]...[/quote]

[quote="Clover Stables"]...[/quote]




[quote="Wallowa lake ranch"]...[/quote]

[quote="Secret Whisper"]...[/quote]


[quote="Sunriver Stables"]...[/quote]


[quote="Star Meadows"]...[/quote]



En Masse Trainers Only Pinging
Please note, Training Requests belong in the training forum.

Code: Select all



[quote="walnut the hamster"]...[/quote]


En Masse Club Junior And Senior Only Pinging
Please note, Trainers, Club Aids and President, Co-Founder are not included.

Code: Select all





[quote="Soaring Hooves"]...[/quote]








[quote="D.M Boarding"]....[/quote]


[quote="walnut the hamster"]...[/quote]


[quote="Thundering Horses 2"]...[/quote]

[quote="Clover Stables"]...[/quote]

[quote="Wallowa lake ranch"]...[/quote]

[quote="Secret Whisper"]...[/quote]


[quote="Sunriver Stables"]...[/quote]


[quote="Star Meadows"]...[/quote]



En Masse Club Aids Only Pinging

Code: Select all



En Masse President and Co-Founder Only Pinging
Please Note, for new member applications, use this code.

Code: Select all

[quote="Leopard Horse"]...[/quote]

Last edited by Leopard Horse on Wed Mar 17, 2021 3:59 am, edited 26 times in total.
Posts: 10576
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Re: Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Post by BlackOak2 »

Requirement To Join
Offer an example of a self-bred, purebred thoroughbred that is competing in a racing discipline. It need not have a perfect record, it needs to only show a 'Try'. Review of whether the horse passes or not will be done by the Presidents of the club. We reserve the right to turn down without reason. We also reserve the right to offer additional chances at one time. If entry is denied, a timespan of one month must lapse before a second attempt to join (and so on).
All applicants must be at least one month old.

Rejection Factor
This is only for horses and not for club membership.
Rejection of Leopard Stock will happen if the horse has any tobiano patterns beyond face markings and stockings. Bald head is acceptable, but cannot cross onto neck. This covers any stock entering the books and any stock born of those already registered. If a foal born has markings beyond the face and, or the legs, the stock cannot be entered as breeding stock into the registry.

Accredited Stock Requirements
Are not owned by club members, are either purchased or are publicly standing.
Proven producers of stock that are acceptable for entry into the club.

Registered Stock Requirements
Eventually work toward 4 star
Recipe: Akhal-Teke x Galloway to Arabian x North African Barb
15-16.3 hh
35-60 body size (15-35 is HWO breed standard)
85-65 body type
Must fulfill ONE of the next two statements AND NOT fall under the 'Rejection Factor':
Born from parents that are both registered.
Fulfill entry for registration as a 'new blood' or 'new stock' (this is any foal born from a foundation horse to a club member or of any foal born from the pairing of Accredited Stock and club-branded stock to a club member).

If the horse doesn't fulfill one of these, then the horse cannot be considered a 'Patterned' thoroughbred by the club standards, but this Does Not disqualify said horse as Registered Stock.
Patterns can be single Lp or double Lp.

Broken Pattern
Must cover at least 50% of body (estimation)

Full Pattern
Must be unbroken from neck downward
Must cover at least 90% from neck downward (estimation)

Snowflakes-Only Pattern
Must be at least 30% coverage anywhere on the coat (estimation)
Must Not be accompanied by any other Lp pattern

Sliding Scale Points
A horse will have 4 colored numbers as registered in the club.
A horse could theoretically have a maximum total of 47 points (ignoring the unproven part of the conformation scores).

Both of these will be coded as a single score in green.
By fulfilling the HWO purebred Thoroughbred standard and meeting the body size standard for this club, your horse can earn 5 points maximum (one point for each 'Star' and one for the size standard).
By fulfilling any of the Patterns, your horse can earn an additional point.
A horse that fulfills all of these can earn a maximum of 6 points.

These two will be coded as a single score in blue.
This score is only the WPS record of the parents.
By maintaining a WPS of 70% to 79.99% in each racing category (Harness, Racing, Sprint, Steeplechase), each parent horse can earn a total of 4 points (1 point for each category that breaks into 70%).
By maintaining a WPS of 80% to 89.99% in each racing category (Harness, Racing, Sprint, Steeplechase), each parent horse can earn a total of 8 points (2 points for each category that breaks into 80%).
By maintaining a WPS of 90% to 100% in each racing category (Harness, Racing, Sprint, Steeplechase), each parent horse can earn a total of 12 points (3 points for each category that breaks into 90%).
A set of parents that maintains a WPS of 90% or greater in all four of the racing categories can earn a maximum of 24 points.

These two will be coded in orange.
Your horse will earn one point for each green stat of strength, speed, stamina, agility and tempo, for a maximum total of 5 points.
Your horse will earn two points for each gold stat of strength, speed, stamina, agility and tempo, for a maximum total of 10 points.
A horse that has has all five stats in gold color, can earn a maximum of 10 points.

These two will be coded in purple.
Your horse will earn one point for each conformation score of 40 to 49 in strength, speed, stamina, agility and tempo (unknown maximum, 4 proven), for a potential total of 4 points.
Your horse will earn two points for each conformation score of 50 to 59 in strength, speed, stamina, agility and tempo (unknown maximum, 3 proven), for a potential total of 6 points (based upon proven only).
Your horse will earn three points for each conformation score of 60 to 69 in strength, speed, stamina, agility and tempo (unknown maximum, 2 proven), for a potential total of 6 points (based upon proven only).
Your horse will earn three points for each conformation score of 70 to 79 in strength, speed, stamina, agility and tempo (unknown maximum, 1 proven), for a potential total of 3 points (based upon proven only).
Any conformation score at or above 80 in strength, speed, stamina, agility and tempo (none yet proven), will be scaled accordingly at a later date.
A horse that earns a maximum conformation score (through already proven combinations) can earn a maximum total of 7 points. Unproven maximum conformation score could be 15 (all 70 to 79 scores).
Note to changes:
July, 2020: The 'Score In Blue' was formerly the WPS record of the horse and also the parents. To streamline the scoring process, the WPS of the horse was dropped, so as to ensure that the foal must only need to be scored once in their lifetime and that it can happen at the time of birth.
Last edited by BlackOak2 on Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:10 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Leopard Horse
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Re: Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Post by Leopard Horse »

BlackOak2 wrote:I can't believe you found a spotted racing horse online! :lol:

It's gorgeous, even though I'm not sure it's an actual thoroughbred, it still fits quite well. Is it a thoroughbred? Looks a little more like a racing appaloosa breed.

So one fix, while looking over your work (quite nicely done, by the way), your description: 'Leopard Horse joined this club on 3/12/2020. I am the starter of...' the first link takes a person to 'their' farm and not yours. I'm sure you would've eventually caught that though. That's the same on the sales and studs, since you copy and pasted.
Here's the link you want to replace it with:

You can also add my little snippet:

Code: Select all

BlackOak2 joined this club on 3/13/2020. Co-founder of the Spotted Racing Thoroughbred club. Selectively producing racing thoroughbreds solely with leopard coats (among many other projects).
(Is co-founder appropriate? If not, feel free to change it.)

Oh, one more thing, the second post 'Form for pining all members'... the correct spelling is pinging.
The way you have it worded is defined as 'to miss and long for the return of' :D Which I still think is kind of appropriate. At least in a funny way.

Edited to add......

Her training is complete and so far, the testing she's taking after her mother.

I've also picked up a couple stallions that might mix in well with the project, more for breeding back to Tb without popping that COI any higher, so fresh blood. - this one's in speed-style training - this one's almost aged out, so I boarded him, I think he's got some potential to throw some decent genes around.

Plus I have a lineup of a number of pure Tb studs that should cross well with new blood to Dancing Shillelagh.
You'll need to let me know if you want a colt from her, a filly from her... one of each... Good patterns of course. We'll have to meet up again and further our discussions. I had to drop out early yesterday, sorry about that.
Lol I really did. He is actually a TB. He has been winning races around the world. I do believe that the two studs will work. I would like a filly from your mare if you don't mind. And thanks for correcting me on my spelling, lol it was late when I made the form. I will add your snip-it, and Co-Founder sounds great. let me know when u are on chat so we can chat.
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Re: Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Post by BlackOak2 »

Leopard Horse wrote:
Lol I really did. He is actually a TB. He has been winning races around the world. I do believe that the two studs will work. I would like a filly from your mare if you don't mind. And thanks for correcting me on my spelling, lol it was late when I made the form. I will add your snip-it, and Co-Founder sounds great. let me know when u are on chat so we can chat.
I'm on right now and can log for chat for a few. Logging now.
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Re: Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Post by BlackOak2 »

Leopard Horse wrote:...

I decided to bookmark the topic, so I'll get auto-pings when anybody replies. Won't have to keep quoting to get notified that way. :mrgreen:

Dancing Shillelagh Breeding Report.

Stud lineup for breeding out to Dancing Shillelagh

Current stud cross:
Mare has passed on.


Potential FameDaLupa stock, if she survives.
Notation for outside usage for descendants.
♕ Cosmic Center 01:59.31 ♕
♕ Black Odin ♕
♕ Radros 02:00.34 ♕
Unnamed Horse #2364774 - 1y0.5m @ time of notation.
Unnamed Horse #2364177 - 7.5m @ time of notation.


Stud Usage:
Tell It To Alaska
Status & Info
Stud Fee: $50,000
2 colts to date, none with patterns, both culled
Third a filly, with pattern. Decent outcome in BR, HGP and score.

Flagrant Ambition
Status & Info
Stud Fee: $3000
First on a filly, decent enough outcome. About the same pattern coverage as her half sister. Acceptable.

{BF} Stormy's Twist
Status & Info
Stud Fee: $5000
One colt, Excellent Outcome for BR and scores. Has pattern, but very limited.
This stud may be able to become accredited. Perhaps not, depends on the foal crossed by Leopard Horse.
Second colt, better pattern, worse outcome then his full brother.

♕ Celsus ♕
Status & Info
Stud Fee: TBD (Agreed Upon: $100,000)
One Filly - Gorgeous Outcome! Pattern is a little lacking, but I'm very happy overall.

Halcyon Justice
Status & Info
Stud Fee: $1,000,000
A good-looking colt. NOT a lightweight stud fee, fortunately not only did she pop a blanket, but the colt's stats are decently good as well. I am satisfied with the outcome.

♕ Pandemonino Nr. 65 ♕
Status & Info
Stud Fee: TBD (Agreed Upon: $500,000)
Good outcome again; a filly. Blanket could've been larger, maybe better stats, but I'm not complaining about this outcome. I am satisfied.

♕ Whisper ♕
Status & Info
Stud Fee: TBD (Agreed Upon: $500,000)
First foal was a filly, good stats but lacked the Lp. She was culled.
Second foal is a colt with good, solid stats and a decent blanket.

ℳℐ Cookie Dough
Status & Info
Stud Fee: $50,000
First one had good stats, but no patterning. Culled.
Second is a nicely patterned colt, also with decent stats.

♕ Masterpiece ♕
Status & Info
Stud Fee: TBD (Agreed Upon: $500,000)
Only foal from this match is a colt with acceptable stats and very thankfully a pattern as well.
Last edited by BlackOak2 on Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:14 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Post by BlackOak2 »

We should also consider having one other foundation mare, wholly unrelated (if we can manage) to her.

Do you have unrelated thoroughbred stock? I have a couple purebred thoroughbreds, but they're not quite up to your stock right now. Good lines, good scores, but not quite where that mare is, not as strong heart.
Anyway, they we'd need to find an adequate leopard-coated stallion. A grade would be appropriate.

I think, for the joining requirements, they need to show, among other nameless things, stock that is either doing well in sprints (or one of the other disciplines, but because of Shillelagh's mother, I'm leaning that way right now), either with good heart and poorer stats or good stats and average heart. A 'Try' style of a horse.
I'd like to say at least 4 star for thoroughbred, but Shillelagh only pulls one.
I'd definitely say that the need to have at least one successful purebred that they have personally bred.

Should there be something we want to reject? Such as tobiano patterns? I'm fine with stars and socks, would prefer neither... but can't really get away from them too easily. Definitely no body patterns.

And should age of account be a factor? I don't think I need to offer reasons for that question. :D
I'd say at least a month, so they won't be so quick to run. But I don't know if I care one way or the other, really.

I don't currently have anything beyond a show of an existing, successful, self-bred, purebred Tb competitor for those that want to join.
That's where I start and end.
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Leopard Horse
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Re: Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Post by Leopard Horse »

BlackOak2 wrote:We should also consider having one other foundation mare, wholly unrelated (if we can manage) to her.

Do you have unrelated thoroughbred stock? I have a couple purebred thoroughbreds, but they're not quite up to your stock right now. Good lines, good scores, but not quite where that mare is, not as strong heart.
Anyway, they we'd need to find an adequate leopard-coated stallion. A grade would be appropriate.

I think, for the joining requirements, they need to show, among other nameless things, stock that is either doing well in sprints (or one of the other disciplines, but because of Shillelagh's mother, I'm leaning that way right now), either with good heart and poorer stats or good stats and average heart. A 'Try' style of a horse.
I'd like to say at least 4 star for thoroughbred, but Shillelagh only pulls one.
I'd definitely say that the need to have at least one successful purebred that they have personally bred.

Should there be something we want to reject? Such as tobiano patterns? I'm fine with stars and socks, would prefer neither... but can't really get away from them too easily. Definitely no body patterns.

And should age of account be a factor? I don't think I need to offer reasons for that question. :D
I'd say at least a month, so they won't be so quick to run. But I don't know if I care one way or the other, really.

I don't currently have anything beyond a show of an existing, successful, self-bred, purebred Tb competitor for those that want to join.
That's where I start and end.
I do have a foundation mare, but she sadly rates a NA for TB. I could give you a high speed TB mare and Stud if you would like, I also have lots of spotted studs, I will look for a grade, I KNOW I have a few. We could try to make the horses have good stats and great heart as well. Cuz my horses have a great heart, semi great stats. So we could try to get them both, or we could get the color first, then the stats. I would like to avoid Tabino patterns as well, i want spots not a paint, lol. Yes the age of the account should be at least 1 month as well, I think that is good.

I could give you this filly:

he is not my highest stud, but he will still work
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Re: Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Post by BlackOak2 »

Leopard Horse wrote:
I do have a foundation mare, but she sadly rates a NA for TB. I could give you a high speed TB mare and Stud if you would like, I also have lots of spotted studs, I will look for a grade, I KNOW I have a few. We could try to make the horses have good stats and great heart as well. Cuz my horses have a great heart, semi great stats. So we could try to get them both, or we could get the color first, then the stats. I would like to avoid Tabino patterns as well, i want spots not a paint, lol. Yes the age of the account should be at least 1 month as well, I think that is good.

I could give you this filly:

he is not my highest stud, but he will still work
We should try to tackle this two ways. One way, work on infiltrating the patterns into 'standard' or 'quality' thoroughbreds to get purebloods. The other way is to work on ensuring the purity of your line, inject some pattern into it, but favor the better stats over the pattern.
I'm favoring the pattern over the stats right now. Maybe you should consider favoring the stats over the pattern. If the pattern stays, great, if it goes, just inject some more. That type of thing.

So when the pattern looks good on the one side, and the stats look good, on the other side, then combining them should work out better.

Yes, send me those two, I want to send you the two colts I have. They're likely to be good in offering good body design and better stats. I do definitely recommend at least freezing the 18-year-old. I don't know if the 18yo will offer any heart or not, he's too old to train up and test. The other one, probably won't offer much heart, but he might surprise us. I'd suggest using either of them to mares that show good promise but lack in body style. But I'm sure you already realized that. :lol:

I'll put the two from you on board right now and choose offspring from Shillelagh to breed that next generation with them.

You probably already planning it, just want to see if we're on the right page, the filly you'll pick, to be used as injection of pattern into your line?

Also, (just to be clear) when I said a second 'foundation mare' I meant a mare that will be used as the foundation for this project, not necessarily a new-breed thoroughbred. I know I can confuse myself sometimes. :roll: And often, after posting and receiving an answer, then rereading what I typed, I'm like: "Why the hay did I write it like that?" or the even better one: "Now I'm confused."


So, accredited studs, accredited mares and registered horses.
I think for now, we leave the 5 star requirement open. That might take time to breed into, but I do eventually want to get there. With the potential exception of Size. I prefer the thoroughbreds to have a larger size, more toward 50 then the requirement of 15-35 that a thoroughbred on HWO should have. In fact, I'd prefer to have the size from 35-60. But we'll need to discuss that and figure out what fits for both of us.

And I was thinking the differences between the 'accredited' horses and the 'registered' horses. Rather fairly easy.
Accredited would be those that don't fit the requirements and are NOT our horses, but produce good stock for the project. Essentially, public studs or publicly purchased mares.
Registered, is as you guessed it, those that do fit the requirements OR do not fit the requirements but come from registered parents.

Which brings me to another point. All foals from parents that are BOTH registered should automatically be registered.
But I kind of want to offer a sliding scale of registry, like some have out there already.
Sliding scale covering adherence to the req's of the Tb breed, pattern on the coat, WPS (of horse and parents, but not grand-parents and beyond), stats and scores.

I also think it would be interesting to offer two different styles of pattern on the registry. A 'Broken Pattern' like what Shillelagh is, and a 'Full Pattern' (or 'Not-Broken Pattern') in essences a false leopard or a mostly-covered leopard.
If the leopard pattern doesn't cover 90% of the body from the neck downward, then I think it shouldn't fulfill either of the pattern coverage's, at least for the registry. It's still be registered, but it would have an absence in that spot.

At least, that's part of what I'm thinking, so far.
Like Shillelagh's sire, would have been an 'Accredited Stud'. It also appears Shillelagh is the best patterned one that he threw as well.

Okay, I think that's all from my brain right now. :mrgreen:
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Leopard Horse
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Re: Spotted Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Post by Leopard Horse »

BlackOak2 wrote:
Leopard Horse wrote:
I do have a foundation mare, but she sadly rates a NA for TB. I could give you a high speed TB mare and Stud if you would like, I also have lots of spotted studs, I will look for a grade, I KNOW I have a few. We could try to make the horses have good stats and great heart as well. Cuz my horses have a great heart, semi great stats. So we could try to get them both, or we could get the color first, then the stats. I would like to avoid Tabino patterns as well, i want spots not a paint, lol. Yes the age of the account should be at least 1 month as well, I think that is good.

I could give you this filly:

he is not my highest stud, but he will still work
We should try to tackle this two ways. One way, work on infiltrating the patterns into 'standard' or 'quality' thoroughbreds to get purebloods. The other way is to work on ensuring the purity of your line, inject some pattern into it, but favor the better stats over the pattern.
I'm favoring the pattern over the stats right now. Maybe you should consider favoring the stats over the pattern. If the pattern stays, great, if it goes, just inject some more. That type of thing.

So when the pattern looks good on the one side, and the stats look good, on the other side, then combining them should work out better.

Yes, send me those two, I want to send you the two colts I have. They're likely to be good in offering good body design and better stats. I do definitely recommend at least freezing the 18-year-old. I don't know if the 18yo will offer any heart or not, he's too old to train up and test. The other one, probably won't offer much heart, but he might surprise us. I'd suggest using either of them to mares that show good promise but lack in body style. But I'm sure you already realized that. :lol:

I'll put the two from you on board right now and choose offspring from Shillelagh to breed that next generation with them.

You probably already planning it, just want to see if we're on the right page, the filly you'll pick, to be used as injection of pattern into your line?

Also, (just to be clear) when I said a second 'foundation mare' I meant a mare that will be used as the foundation for this project, not necessarily a new-breed thoroughbred. I know I can confuse myself sometimes. :roll: And often, after posting and receiving an answer, then rereading what I typed, I'm like: "Why the hay did I write it like that?" or the even better one: "Now I'm confused."


So, accredited studs, accredited mares and registered horses.
I think for now, we leave the 5 star requirement open. That might take time to breed into, but I do eventually want to get there. With the potential exception of Size. I prefer the thoroughbreds to have a larger size, more toward 50 then the requirement of 15-35 that a thoroughbred on HWO should have. In fact, I'd prefer to have the size from 35-60. But we'll need to discuss that and figure out what fits for both of us.

And I was thinking the differences between the 'accredited' horses and the 'registered' horses. Rather fairly easy.
Accredited would be those that don't fit the requirements and are NOT our horses, but produce good stock for the project. Essentially, public studs or publicly purchased mares.
Registered, is as you guessed it, those that do fit the requirements OR do not fit the requirements but come from registered parents.

Which brings me to another point. All foals from parents that are BOTH registered should automatically be registered.
But I kind of want to offer a sliding scale of registry, like some have out there already.
Sliding scale covering adherence to the req's of the Tb breed, pattern on the coat, WPS (of horse and parents, but not grand-parents and beyond), stats and scores.

I also think it would be interesting to offer two different styles of pattern on the registry. A 'Broken Pattern' like what Shillelagh is, and a 'Full Pattern' (or 'Not-Broken Pattern') in essences a false leopard or a mostly-covered leopard.
If the leopard pattern doesn't cover 90% of the body from the neck downward, then I think it shouldn't fulfill either of the pattern coverage's, at least for the registry. It's still be registered, but it would have an absence in that spot.

At least, that's part of what I'm thinking, so far.
Like Shillelagh's sire, would have been an 'Accredited Stud'. It also appears Shillelagh is the best patterned one that he threw as well.

Okay, I think that's all from my brain right now. :mrgreen:
I like the way you think! I think that would be a good way to go, suggesting that I have the higher stat horses at the moment. I will put the two up, and u can offer $1 for them. Yes, I do think that those that fit the requiorments should be registered, so that we don't just have a mumble jumble of horses that do not. I am trying with two mares at the moment, one grade, one Gypsy.

The broken and Full is a great Idea as well, so people who have a broken are like, "AWW i can't register my horse." Stuff like that.
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