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Premium Premium Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: January 29th, 2016, 7:41 pm Posts: 10782
BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Welcome To BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Anything that needs changing for ease of reading or color-blindness issues, please let me know!
Firstly. Don't forget our Help, Guides section has a lot of sticky topics covering the vastness that is HWO! The linked topics below are generally not stickies that a lot of us have also found helpful.
Secondly, with the new layout and new updates, some of the help and walkthrough sections may refer to, or describe, blueprints from older coding. Although these may be out-of-date, the information therein can still be used to offer insight into how to tackle the problem or issue. Please understand additional steps may be required or may be found under different areas. The community is working on updating some of these guides, where relevant, and where the author is still visiting the game.
Before we begin, Unofficial Horse World Online Discord Page. Please be aware, admin does not santify this page as part of HWO. However, after requesting permission, it was given the authority to exist as an Unofficial Affiliation. HWO rules are still in effect there (as well as a number of player-run rules), but are not enforcable by HWO admin. Rules are enforced only by the current admin running the Unofficial Discord (that'll be a player of HWO). These are two separate entities.
Community Reminders
Archived Section
This section relates, mostly, to the rules and laws of the game. As the heading suggests, these are topics that relate directly or indirectly to what our HWO gaming members need to remember or need to be aware of. It's a great sections for gaming returnees and newbies alike.
Included in these, from April 2021, is a section in some of them for New Developments and How-To's. It's a great hot-spot area for short advice and the in's and out's of interesting tidbits of our game. Not every release will have these two new subjects and not every Community Reminder will have refreshers about the rules.
Starting in November of 2022, I have finally hit the limit of allowable text in this first post. So I have opened a new section for archiving the Community Reminders that are dated from the previous year and before. Which means that sometime in January or February of each year, I'll be archiving the Community Reminders. I have also taken a number of them with other helpful information and duel-linked them in the appropriate section in this post.
Please remember that these reminders are written and published by the community members themselves. Admin has no hand in these (though they will enlighten us to 'spread the word,' among other things, when changes occur).
The community at large appreciates these Community Reminders, so if there's something you see that's been reoccurring, or something that's been on your mind that's happening in the community but doesn't yet fit elsewhere, bring it to light. Debates are not Community Reminders, but can lead to rule changes and etiquette updates. So, even if you do not have any replies to your topic, don't think it went unnoticed. Very little around here is.
Any community member can write a Community Reminder. If I see a reminder published, I will link it here.
If you're planning on writing a reminder, please remember to use English and use Proper English (to the best of your ability), with the exception of explaining shorthand of any sort. Also realize, that if a reminder is written, you may subject yourself to some strong debate. But don't be afraid of debate here, the HWO community tries to keep such things peaceful, even if debates do get heated from time to time. What it comes down to, is that the HWO community is watching and ready to step in to aid in ending things that are getting out-of-hand.
Newsletter Links
All newsletter links are contained herein. All self explanatory, none of them need descriptions. With one exception, found at the bottom of this section. With the new forum layout, these newsletter links should be retired. When new newsletters are authored in the new forum, they will be linked here with the retired newsletter links being moved into the Archived Section.
Newsletter Notifications Page - my own page, no longer directly linked to the newsletter because I am no longer the newsletter manager. Still can be utilized.
About The Horse
This section contains anything that is directly related to the game horses. Subsections should help find your area. Please let me know if something is out-of-place or you feel it might fit better elsewhere.
Visit the Perfect For Newbies & Returnees sections if it's a simple answer you're seeking. If you're looking for in-depth reading or think your answer is likely not simple, find the section your question or answer most likely pertains to.
Does this question sounds similar to your problem:
'I have a horse, or I'm looking at another person's horse and I can't figure out X, but also may include something else directly on the horse's profile page.'
Then you're in the right section.
If this question sounds similar to your problem:
'I can't figure out X, but it does not have to do with my horse or another horse on the game, but might be about how to add a horse image or link in the forums.'
Then you should scroll to the 'About The Game' section.
Not Categorized or Singular Guides & Topics
All About Ability
Included in this section is everything about the performance of a horse. Body conformation, performance genes, training, titling and even breeding are found here.
Perfect For Newbies & Returnees
On The Topic Of Training
On The Topic Of Titling
On The Topic Of Competitions
On The Topic Of Breeding
All About Physical Appearance
Included in this section is coat color and body & coat appearance. If you're looking at a horse and need aid with figuring something out about the look, search here.
All About The Color
This section is further sub-categorized for specific colors if there is more than one guide or topic.
Not Categorized or Singular Guides & Topics
Red & Black
Leopard Complex
Sooty Gene & Sooty Dapples Gene
All About Appearance
This section is also sub-categorized for the distinction between conformation and genes unrelated to color.
Genes Unrelated To Color
About The Game
This section contains a number of resources for gameplay that's not directly related to the horses. It is divided into separate subsections, if something feels like it should fit elsewhere, please let me know and I'll reevaluate the title, heading or placement.
Visit the Perfect For Newbies & Returnees sections if it's a simple answer you're seeking. If you're looking for in-depth reading or think your answer is likely not simple, find the section your question or answer most likely pertains to. Exception to this is money matters. For all things related to money, see On The Topic Of Money & PT section.
Does this question sound similar to your problem:
'I can't figure out X, but it does not have to do with my horse or another horse on the game, but might be about how to add a horse image or link in the forums.'
Then you're in the right section.
If this question sounds similar to your problem:
'I have a horse, or I'm looking at another person's horse and I can't figure out X, but also may include something else directly on the horse's profile page.'
Then you should scroll to the 'About The Horse' section.
Perfect For Newbies & Returnees
On The Topic Of Money & PT
On The Topic Of Hosting Competitions And Contests And Other Gameplay Options
On The Topic Of Accounts, Forums and Other General Topics
On The Topic Of Bugs & Glitches
HWO Community Aid Pages
Due to lack of use, all original aid pages have been retired for the time being (from my guide only). If the original aid pages are resurrected, I will again add them. I will NOT add any links to aid pages, unless I am specifically requested to add them here. And! I will need to see fairly consistent and continued use of them (at least once a month, at least in the form of a bump). These aid pages can be quite useful and helpful for all members of our community, however, no page is useful if the author or topic isn't used by those seeking answers or those that answer these queries.
Random Links
Interesting links that are unrelated to actual gameplay.
Share your farm! - Want to share your farm setup? Does it look cool or neat? Chance of admin using it as an example on their frontpages (Instagram, Facebook, etc.).
Random Ongoing HWO Tales
*these may be fictional or retold true stories, please check out the forwards of each topic and afford common sense when and where appropriate.
*those that choose to have me remove the link to their farm logs, please let me know, I have no problem with it.
*those that desire their links to be added, please let me know, I also have no problem with this either.
SIE Organization
Operation X1 --Dr. Victar--
Horpse's Horror Hangout
Note for myself.Anything that needs changing for ease of reading or color-blindness issues, please let me know!
Firstly. Don't forget our Help, Guides section has a lot of sticky topics covering the vastness that is HWO! The linked topics below are generally not stickies that a lot of us have also found helpful.
Secondly, with the new layout and new updates, some of the help and walkthrough sections may refer to, or describe, blueprints from older coding. Although these may be out-of-date, the information therein can still be used to offer insight into how to tackle the problem or issue. Please understand additional steps may be required or may be found under different areas. The community is working on updating some of these guides, where relevant, and where the author is still visiting the game.
Before we begin, Unofficial Horse World Online Discord Page. Please be aware, admin does not santify this page as part of HWO. However, after requesting permission, it was given the authority to exist as an Unofficial Affiliation. HWO rules are still in effect there (as well as a number of player-run rules), but are not enforcable by HWO admin. Rules are enforced only by the current admin running the Unofficial Discord (that'll be a player of HWO). These are two separate entities.
Community Reminders
Archived Section
This section relates, mostly, to the rules and laws of the game. As the heading suggests, these are topics that relate directly or indirectly to what our HWO gaming members need to remember or need to be aware of. It's a great sections for gaming returnees and newbies alike.
Included in these, from April 2021, is a section in some of them for New Developments and How-To's. It's a great hot-spot area for short advice and the in's and out's of interesting tidbits of our game. Not every release will have these two new subjects and not every Community Reminder will have refreshers about the rules.
Starting in November of 2022, I have finally hit the limit of allowable text in this first post. So I have opened a new section for archiving the Community Reminders that are dated from the previous year and before. Which means that sometime in January or February of each year, I'll be archiving the Community Reminders. I have also taken a number of them with other helpful information and duel-linked them in the appropriate section in this post.
Please remember that these reminders are written and published by the community members themselves. Admin has no hand in these (though they will enlighten us to 'spread the word,' among other things, when changes occur).
The community at large appreciates these Community Reminders, so if there's something you see that's been reoccurring, or something that's been on your mind that's happening in the community but doesn't yet fit elsewhere, bring it to light. Debates are not Community Reminders, but can lead to rule changes and etiquette updates. So, even if you do not have any replies to your topic, don't think it went unnoticed. Very little around here is.
Any community member can write a Community Reminder. If I see a reminder published, I will link it here.
If you're planning on writing a reminder, please remember to use English and use Proper English (to the best of your ability), with the exception of explaining shorthand of any sort. Also realize, that if a reminder is written, you may subject yourself to some strong debate. But don't be afraid of debate here, the HWO community tries to keep such things peaceful, even if debates do get heated from time to time. What it comes down to, is that the HWO community is watching and ready to step in to aid in ending things that are getting out-of-hand.
Account Passwords! | Important Announcement from our Admin. Please take note of it and correct anything that needs correcting! I am leaving this in the community reminders until January 2025. |
Forum Rules | Update from Tom in this forum specifically relating to extortion. If you need a review, please do so. |
Community Reminder - Summer 2024 (Northern Hemisphere) | Introduction to the new forum in the new format. |
Newsletter Links
All newsletter links are contained herein. All self explanatory, none of them need descriptions. With one exception, found at the bottom of this section. With the new forum layout, these newsletter links should be retired. When new newsletters are authored in the new forum, they will be linked here with the retired newsletter links being moved into the Archived Section.
Newsletter Notifications Page - my own page, no longer directly linked to the newsletter because I am no longer the newsletter manager. Still can be utilized.
About The Horse
This section contains anything that is directly related to the game horses. Subsections should help find your area. Please let me know if something is out-of-place or you feel it might fit better elsewhere.
Visit the Perfect For Newbies & Returnees sections if it's a simple answer you're seeking. If you're looking for in-depth reading or think your answer is likely not simple, find the section your question or answer most likely pertains to.
Does this question sounds similar to your problem:
'I have a horse, or I'm looking at another person's horse and I can't figure out X, but also may include something else directly on the horse's profile page.'
Then you're in the right section.
If this question sounds similar to your problem:
'I can't figure out X, but it does not have to do with my horse or another horse on the game, but might be about how to add a horse image or link in the forums.'
Then you should scroll to the 'About The Game' section.
Not Categorized or Singular Guides & Topics
Community Reminder - Holiday 2021 | Included in this release are: Reducing Herd Size; The Search For Market Horses; Evaluating A Competition Horse; The Uses Of COI; HGP, What It Is; and Bloodline Discussion. Some hints to help people regarding overpopulation's on their accounts, evaluating and figuring out the sales horses and what you're looking for, as well as the same for competition horses. I've also offered some insight into COI and that it's more useful than just what it appears to be, plus some [one-sided] discussion on what makes a bloodline and who 'owns' it. Duel Post. One of my aid topics. |
Favorite Horse World Online Horses | I began this topic and have filled it with many of my favorites for whatever reason. I have not been the only contributor to this topic. Please fill it with your own favorites to share them and keep them remembered. Any horse is welcome and for whatever reason. |
AC Glitch Horses | A glorious collection of all the glitches that come out of the AC. If you come across one, feel free to add it. Please remember that glitch coats are NOT breedable. |
What Is My Horse Worth? | General Value of Horses as discussed by certain members of HWO community. Please remember that the market is fluid and specific valuations will need to be asked for, for individual horses. |
Name Generator | Direct link offered to us from our admins. This is the same name generator that they have for us when we name our horses. A neat little thing to play with. Thank You, Admins! |
Sales | The Complete Illustrated Guide | As it says. Visual for those that have trouble understanding text-only aid. Multiple posted because it could be argued where best it fits. Author: Gabby_Woodlark |
All About Ability
Included in this section is everything about the performance of a horse. Body conformation, performance genes, training, titling and even breeding are found here.
Perfect For Newbies & Returnees
Community Reminder - Halloween 2021 | Included in this topic are: Uses of Local Shows; How to Conclude a Project; Nurturing a Community Project. In-depth information on what locals are used for and what they can be used for, as well as how to end a breeding project (or when it's appropriate to do so) as well as the act of giving it up and finally, interactions with the community and community-based project development. Duel Post. One of my help topics. |
All About The Grinder Horse | This guide is about the Grinder Horse. Arguably one of the most important horses an account can own. Double posted. One of my guides. |
What Discipline Is My Grinder Horse? | Want to know which discipline to grind your Grinder? Look here, it'll give you a quick runthrough of most appropriate local show disciplines per body form and basic stats overview. One of my guides. |
Starting Out - A Step-by-Step Beginner Guide | This guide link is duplicated purposefully in both sections. Your first days on the game, including an overview of the tutorial. Yes! even our tutorial has a guide with information about it. This guide gives you a crash-course in first-days-troubles. Especially handy for those of you that can't quite figure out what you're looking at or are otherwise worried about you game horses. Author: Silverine |
What discipline is best for my horse? | A quick overview. Understand that all the links included in this answer are also found in my quicklinks. |
HELP FULL INFO AND LINKS | A compilation of useful information about horses. Player-made and compiled; some of the information may not be completely accurate. Author: _TBLegacy2_ |
Incremental Horse Age Explained | Why does my horse's age look like: 17 yrs, 3.7 months? What is that .x number about before the months? This question and answer topic explains that and also explains why it came about. |
How I Breed, Train, Feed, and Sell my Thoroughbreds | This is a good guide written on some personal experiences and what somebody should be looking at when starting a process of a thoroughbred project. It gives a few insights about what can happen to a 'first-time' tackling of such a project and what one should be aiming for instead. Author: islandhill |
Understanding the Breeders Report and Conformation Evaluation | Couldn't find this before, so linked it here for myself and others. This is the explanation of how the comments are chosen for the BR. larissar guide. |
On The Topic Of Training
Training Maxes | A casual collection of the maxes the community has so far been able to attain. Feel free to add your sample to help track the data. |
~DWM~ Horse Training Guide | This is the training guide the whole of HWO either references, has learned from, or returns to as a reminder **This is the primary guide and I suggest at least looking over this one first. If skipped, there may be quite a bit of confusion why total training times still differ. Author: Kayaine |
A few training tips | Specifically compiled for fast disciplines like racing that require higher temperaments. However, useful for many methods, including low temperament disciplines. Overall 'stuck' help. Author: h0rsey |
How-to: Train Fast & Effectively | My Method | Training walk-through by one of our many, senior, top trainers. For those needing a step-by-step, this guide may prove most useful. Author: Sawd10 |
Lady Byron's Guide to Training Racing Thoroughbreds | Discipline specific training guide. Plus some tips for the care, overview, purchase and bloodline development of the horses of this discipline. Author: LadyByron |
Rynzo's Training Guide | A pictorial guide for those that found the other guides a little hard to follow. If that fits your position, you may find this one easier to use. Included is the author's set up, for those interested in mirroring or learning more about a trainer's style. Author: RynzoRye |
♥︎ ᘜᗯ ♥︎ Training | How I Do It | Another guide on training. We have many, now, it's up to you, who's guide you feel fits you best. Author: Gabby_Woodlark |
[E] Training Statistics Study | A look into why we can't train every stat to 100%, to hopefully locate what we're missing. The author has asked that the community not post directly into the topic itself. Author: EclipticEnd |
PCR || Training Method | A set of full and per-discipline training methods by slayqueenn2. Author: slayqueenn2]/td] |
On The Topic Of Titling
Lets Talk About Champing Horses | There are differences to titled horses. For in-depth understanding about what a titled horse is and what it could mean, as well as the different techniques used for titling a horse, this guide is invaluable. Author: Hidalgo |
Champing Guide | Want to have your horse earn a title? This guide will explain the how-to to acheive that goal. Offered with images and with full explanations on easy, acceptable and even what a false-title is, this guide offers the ins and the outs of the practice. Author: h0rsey |
On The Topic Of Competitions
The Hidden Competition Genes: All About Heart | The much anticipated Heart Genes guide. Enjoy! (One of mine) |
Competition Information | Need all the necessary competition information for horses, including temperament, weight, stats and more? This topic is for you. Please remember some of this information is compiled through experience and may differ from what works best for your horse. Author: Little_Cookie771 |
Really Helpful info! | Another topic for all the necessary competition information for horses. Author: CRUNCHY IS THE BEST |
Discipline Potential Evaluation | What discipline is best for this horse? If you have access to Google Docs, this spreadsheet can be invaluable in helping determining what a horse's strengths are, based on their BR and conformation stats (not necessary). Don't have Google Docs? Still an interesting topic to look at. Author: Silverine |
Feeding For Weight and Temperament | For advanced competitive horse management. This guide tackles the sometimes difficult concept of how to keep a horse fed appropriately during it's competing career. Author: Silverine |
Dressage Database | This article details a journey into what makes a dressage horse and the hunt for breeding a horse that can break dressage records. Author: Farant |
ENDURANCE LEARNING AND FINDING | Some short insights into birth heights and adult heights in relation to the endurance discipline. Aithor: Ms. Trouble Maker |
Jewels65 Comprehensive Racehorse Guide | Focused on the racing discipline, but useful for any. Straightforward guide delineating the differences into what makes a good competition horse. Author: Jewels65 |
Frost’s Guide To Competition Success | A discipline specific collection of information that could prove valuable for any player. Not all-inclusive, the information found herein may not be accurate. What another player might come across may vary even quite widely from what's been offered, however, this guide can be quite useful and helpful as a baseline. Author: Frost |
.⚝. Show Jump Log | An interesting log on show jumping. Utilizing some hard data from the Discipline Potential Evaluation as well as the hard stats of the horses themselves, it emphasizes an easier-to-read format for analyzing the abilities of the project en-masse. Author: Eugene |
Conformation Study | A compilation of conformation of the horses per disciplines, what to look for and some hard numbers of what you should be able to expect. Triple posted. Author: mythirion |
On The Topic Of Breeding
All Breeders Report Comments | Can't believe I didn't link this before. But here it is. All the BR report comments, complete with colors. Author: Totina |
Pictorial Pregnancy - A Visual Gestation Timeline | Need help identifying what stage of baby your mare is? Also included is some things to watch out for when visually 'aging' your mare's stage. Authored by me. |
Quest Breeding Guide | Ready to tackle the recipe quests? Want to know more about a particular breed? Having trouble creating a breed? This topic covers all of this. Author: Silverine |
Breed Evaluations: an Illustrated Guide | Having trouble creating a breed? Some help, guide #2 for this issue. Tackles the problem itself, without going into the rest of the breeding information. Author: EclipticEnd |
Recipe Quest Completion | Tackling the recipe quests? This may have some information useful to you. A topic I authored. |
List of Breed Crosses For Recipes | A list of all of the crosses used in recipes. A quick-reference for those that like quick references (like me ). One of my guides. |
Complementary Breeds Wiki | This is a follow-up version for our game breed wiki. It's 'In Progress'. Usable for many breeds, but not all. Author: Totina |
Evaluating Stud Quality - A Guide to Picking the Right Stallion | Know the differences between one stallion and another? Think you know what makes a good stallion? This guide may give you some additional insights into what you suspect, what you think you know and what this game actually offers. Remember, stud choice is often more than just pretty looks. Author: Silverine |
Retsi's Advanced Conformation | Understanding horse conformation and how it affects the horse's abilities. For those that don't or can't become upgraded, this guide will offer insight into what you will still want to look for. Author: Retsi |
Breed Development - Essentials For Success | A continuation of Retsi's guide, this one looking at developing a bloodline. Author: Retsi |
In-Depth Discussion on Conformation Scores Versus Genes | Warning: This topic is heavy reading. Ready to advance your understanding about the intricacies and behind-the-scenes happenings when you breed your bloodline? Want to approach your breeding projects with a more scientific methodology? This topic walks you through how the body form of a horse (the conformation scores) and the hard stat genes of a horse interact with one another and how to identify what's most likely going on with each generation. You do not need to have access to the conformation scores for this, but it does help. |
Racehorse Breeding Help | Don't understand what makes a good racer? In this guide is a collection of some of our top racing stables and other senior members suggestions and tips. Included is a description of the Heart Gene. Noting this, because there is not yet a topic tackling the heart gene itself. Author: PeacefulOreo |
Sprint racing conformation charts | A compilation of some top horses in the Sprint discipline and how their stats line up in graph form. Useful for evaluating at a look, where they are overall with the conformation stats and best times. Also has a number of all-rounder horses and their stats. A grouping of confirmed and strong competitors. Author: Malakai10 |
Confo and BR Charts | A complation of discipline data in graph form, a continuation of the above work, but this time for additional disciplines. Still in work. Author: Malakai10 |
COI-The Coefficient Of Inbreeding | Flat Definition #1 |
COI-The Coefficient Of Inbreeding | Flat Definition #2 |
COI-The Coefficient Of Inbreeding | A little about how to work with it and keep a good handle on it. Some in-depth. |
COI-The Coefficient Of Inbreeding | Is it Good or Bad? |
Competitive Breeding: A Simplified Look Into Rapidly Improving Competitive Genes | Want to aim for competitiveness? Try this guide. It breaks down just how to start to develop a competitive line. Easily attainable for everybody. Author: KYTrainer |
COI: a full breakdown guide with notations | As says. Very useful if you're choosing to tackle low COI alone for any particular breed, including minimal PT costs if going for 0% COI and what you should expect. Also offers insight into some common answers, problems and the new format for COI that the game has adopted in April of 2024. Author: Ealesi |
Conformation Study | A compilation of conformation of the horses per disciplines, what to look for and some hard numbers of what you should be able to expect. Triple posted. Author: mythirion |
COI: a full breakdown guide with notations | Breeding for low and no COI recipe breeds (extensively covering blueprints per breed). With some helpful information on what and how, this guide covers many areas of COI understanding with the NEW formula as well as still utilizing some older information to bridge some of the gaps between the two. Author: Ealesi |
Community Reminder - August 2023 - Part 2 | In this article, find the topic Interesting New Developments on HWO - Breeders' Special - Competitors' Gleam. A... rather long look at the differences between two different types of competition stock. Part 1 of this release is review on issues of that time and are unrelated to this Part 2. This is one of my topics. |
All About Physical Appearance
Included in this section is coat color and body & coat appearance. If you're looking at a horse and need aid with figuring something out about the look, search here.
Horse genetics | A short guide about genes and how they work. Includes many genes, both color and otherwise. Author: Rose90067 |
All About The Color
This section is further sub-categorized for specific colors if there is more than one guide or topic.
Not Categorized or Singular Guides & Topics
Colors and Their Alternate Names | Yeah, is what it says. If you're looking for some uniformity and can't figure out a traditional or consistent naming system, this post should set you right. Author: Silverine |
Basic Gene Coding & Descriptions | **This Is Off Site** It's a nice looking site and easy to read. But remember, this is Off-Site and though it is nice and handy, the information on it may differ from what's actually on game. |
A Study in Dappling: the Silver Gene | Specifically focusing on the silver and black gene combination, this guide shows what a newborn and a yearling with this gene appears as, as well as horses that look like such a combination and are not. One of my guides. |
Leg Flushing Defined | Explanation of the different genes that are responsible for changes in leg colors. One of my guides. |
Newly Discovered Sunshine and Snowdrop Dilutions | An interesting topic on this newly identified real world gene. This gene is NOT currently in the game. It could be added in the future. Author: Silverine |
Colour | Quick-Information | Offers a wide list of on-site and off-site links for color. Most of the links can also be found here. Author: Sawd10 |
A Study In Blonde: the Flaxen Gene | One of my color studies. |
Colour Charts | Handworked write-up of the colors of horses. Please note that although this guide as extensive, not all of these genes are yet added to the game. Author: Malakai10 |
Red & Black
Shades of Black | A study of the color genes when paired with a black coat. Author: Nazarach |
Agouti Model | Basic information on the agouti model HWO uses. Please read this over to understand that on this game, there exists more than just 'Bay'. |
Agouti color question topic | This question and answer topic has the links with the discussion of whether this aguoti model actually exists or not in real life. Opens directly to the links. |
A Study in Dilution: the Dun Gene | Visual guide for the dun gene. Offers insight into what base-color newborns and yearling coats appear when affected by the gene. One of my guides. |
A Study In Dilution: The Pangare Gene (aka Mealy) | Visual guide for the pangare gene. One of my guides |
Leopard Complex
Original Release | As it says. This is a direct link to the original release and the news post from admin. |
Study Collaboration | A collaboration from many members of our community, from newbie to junior to senior members, have dedicated time and effort to exploring the, at the time, new release of the Lp genes. Though not everything has been identified and figured out, the bulk (arguably) of the information about the Lp genes has either been theorized (with some support) or confirmed herein. |
First Lp pattern up neck on agouti in game | A link to memorialize the first confirmed Lp extension horse on black-based coat colors. |
AC Experiment performed by Silverine | A continuation of Lp experimentation delving deeper into certain Lp questions that still remain unknown. |
Totina's Bugged Lp Post | Not as it says. This is not a 'bug' topic, rather a question on whether an expression was purposeful or not. Interesting tidbit into the mechanics from our admins. |
Figuring out the Appy patterns | Another study on the Lp genes. This one done in a similar fashion to the earlier one, but may have some different information you might find easier to follow or more pertinent to your situation. |
Spotted Fields Forever - AC LP Experiments | Newest study to locate and distinguish the leopard patterns between AC breeds. |
Original Release | Original release and news post given to us by our admins. |
Study Collaboration | Self explanatory. A collaboration of a number of HWO players on understanding and how the To gene works. |
Tobiano versus Overo - Explained | There are a number of different marking genes. This topic explains the difference between the Tobiano gene, which is currently in-game and the Overo gene which is NOT currently in-game. |
Tobiano Suppression? | An interesting take and further study on the tobiano gene. Could the tobiano gene be much more complex than we realize? Is it ruled also by surpresson genes? Feel free to weigh in. Author: Silverine |
Sooty Gene & Sooty Dapples Gene
Original Release | The original release and news post given to us by our admin. |
Dapples Sooties | Breakdown of the genes involved and that are currently in-game, given to us directly from our admin. |
Breeding For Dapples | Some helpful information for if you're tackling this very difficult goal. |
Study performed by Gaagii | Original study performed by Gaagii after our senior HWO member decided to tackle the question: Some of these horses appear to have a gene known as 'Plume'. Is this the 'plume' gene? |
Plume Study | Updated version of the original study, again by Gaagii. Both are relevant and pertinent. |
The 'Plume' Horse Association | As it says. I felt it was important enough then and I still do today, to keep this as a guide as much as the association it was designed to be. |
Original Release | The original release and news post as given to us by our admin. I've decided to leave this open for more topics on this gene. There is quite a bit of interesting tidbits that just haven't been tackled or maybe not even looked at. |
Color Study: "Differences in Roan Expression" | Such a simple-seeming gene and yet, so complex. Another I decided to open it's own little section, rather than have it in the single-guide area. |
All About Appearance
This section is also sub-categorized for the distinction between conformation and genes unrelated to color.
How important is horse conformation? | A question asked and an explanation offered on horse conformation. This tackles what a breeder should be looking at and for while developing a breed specifically for competition, but generally for overall appearance as well. |
Conformation Maxes | This is the original posting for conformation scores. These are still fluid and it does appear there may be some upward and maybe some downward movement to them. Please remember to link the horse for proof if you find or produce a horse that pushes beyond the posted scores. Author: Silverine |
Conformation Maxes | Another link to these scores. Please remember to link the horse for proof if you find or produce a horse that pushes beyond the posted scores. Author: Frost |
The Perfectly Disciplined Horse | A guide for the understanding of how the body form (conformation and conformation scores) affect the stats of the horse. Included (so far) is a list identifying the optimum conformation favor for each individual stat. Author: RoyalCrownAcres |
The Perfectly Formulated Horse Log | The log of the above guide. Gives some in-depth understanding of how the project is proceeding and the work involved. Although neither appears to have been updated recently, there's still quite a bit of valuable information in both. Author: RoyalCrownAcres |
Conformation Study | A compilation of conformation of the horses per disciplines, what to look for and some hard numbers of what you should be able to expect. Triple posted. Author: mythirion |
Genes Unrelated To Color
The Feather Gene Explained | Question and answer topic about feathers and the genes that control them. Visual representations are included for ease-of-understanding. |
Discussion On Hair Genetics | A topic focusing on the genetics behind the mane and tail, what we know and what we don't know. |
About The Game
This section contains a number of resources for gameplay that's not directly related to the horses. It is divided into separate subsections, if something feels like it should fit elsewhere, please let me know and I'll reevaluate the title, heading or placement.
Visit the Perfect For Newbies & Returnees sections if it's a simple answer you're seeking. If you're looking for in-depth reading or think your answer is likely not simple, find the section your question or answer most likely pertains to. Exception to this is money matters. For all things related to money, see On The Topic Of Money & PT section.
Does this question sound similar to your problem:
'I can't figure out X, but it does not have to do with my horse or another horse on the game, but might be about how to add a horse image or link in the forums.'
Then you're in the right section.
If this question sounds similar to your problem:
'I have a horse, or I'm looking at another person's horse and I can't figure out X, but also may include something else directly on the horse's profile page.'
Then you should scroll to the 'About The Horse' section.
Perfect For Newbies & Returnees
Quick Start Guide For Newbies | My guide for starting out. An overview and look at the game and basics, written in the form of the bits and pieces a newbie or returnee might need. |
Starting Out - A Step-by-Step Beginner Guide | This guide link is duplicated purposefully in both sections. Your first days on the game, including an overview of the tutorial. Yes! even our tutorial has a guide with information about it. This guide gives you a crash-course in first-days-troubles. Especially handy for those of you that can't quite figure out what you're looking at or are otherwise worried about you game horses. Author: Silverine |
Wild Horse Ridge Stables-Help For New Players | Basic overview of the entire game. This is an off-site location and up-kept by a senior player on our game. Author: PeacefulOreo |
How-to: Ping | Step-by-step walk-through of pinging and what it does. Author: Sawd10 |
Premium User guide | Don't know if you want Premium? Don't understand the differences? Can't figure something out about how to do something that you know is available (such as changing your forum avatar image)? This guide is probably just perfect for you. Author: Emlyn |
Account Security | Don't take this topic lightly! This is important. A topic I authored. |
Leveling Up - A Short Chart | Authored by me, with the aid of several contributors. |
Stuff I wish I'd known when I started #1 | Short collection of helpful hints. See my link within the topic for additional related topics. |
Posting Horse Pics Trial | Don't understand how to add horse images yet? This topic is just for you. Author: Thundering Horses 2 |
Creating a new forum topic | An answer for how-to in creating new topics. Has visual help to guide. |
Troubles With Barns And Pastures | A quick walkthrough answer for adding and moving pastures, barns and decorations on your farm. Also has some information that may be helpful if there are problems. |
HWO Guide for mobile users | Using mobile devices? Still not sure how to create links or images? Take a look in here for some visual aid. Author: Emlyn |
Sales | The Complete Illustrated Guide | As it says. Visual for those that have trouble understanding text-only aid. Multiple posted because it could be argued where best it fits. Author: Gabby_Woodlark |
How do send a image? (Reply) | How-To for linking an image from the internet. This IS NOT for our horses on the site. Author: EclipticEnd |
On The Topic Of Money & PT
Community Reminder - How To, On Donations | Always useful for those that find themselves in a poor way. Please use the information to help you, but, as always, please don't try to take advantage of our communities willingness to aid. As stated, donation help and also includes grinder-request help and even helps in determining which is the better option for your situation. Duel post. One of my aid topics. |
All About The Grinder Horse | This guide is about the Grinder Horse. Arguably one of the most important horses an account can own. Double posted. One of my guides. |
My Money Problem | Basic answer overview of how to make monies on this game. Simple and straightforward. |
Fastest way to make money | Answers for longer term money making advice. Not every path is for everybody and not everybody should try every path. |
(My) 3 Step Guide on how to earn Money + PT Fast & Easily! | Visual guide to earning money and PT, basic, straightforward and the technique that is pretty much used by everybody on the game. Author: GynnMurasakino! |
How to make money | Answer and continued conversation on different ways to earn money as well as ways that other members have had success in. |
Creating Sale & Stud Ads Help | I debated a little on where best to place this guide. Finally, I decided that since it has to dow with ads, it was likely best in the money section and not directly in the horse's section. I can certainly duplicate it or move it, if there's differences of opinion. This is one of my guides. |
Projects & Ideas Discussion For Niche Markets | Not sure how to create a plan for a long term money investment option? This topic offers some insights into handy ideas for useful community markets. A little dated, I haven't paid any mind to it recently, it was put on the back burner for other things, but still useful. One of my guides. |
Earning Pony Tokens | Straightforward answer tackling how to earn them without getting into anything further. |
My Opinion On Prices | Still struggling with prices on horses? Here is a take on horse valuations by another member of our community. Although horse value is a difficult topic to tackle and any valuation is on what the market will sustain, one has to keep in mind that any horse that sells for a million one day, could not sell for even a single dollar the next. Fluidity in the market as well as interest and use all play a huge part on HWO. First and possibly most important word of advice, 'Time.' Author: Gabby_Woodlark |
How To Earn Money + Pony Tokens Easily! | Another short guide for us about (arguably) the most important aspect to keep us moving ahead. Author: Gabby_Woodlark |
On The Topic Of Hosting Competitions And Contests And Other Gameplay Options
Event Project | Want to step up competitions or run a contest that's competition based? I did some theory and ran a mock-up of what one of these might look like. It should help anybody find their way into making some intense events. However, without the ability to send money straight to an account, hosting something like this can be a bit difficult with the transfers of horses between accounts. Still a useful bit of information is contained within. |
On The Topic Of Accounts, Forums and Other General Topics
Admin Ruling on '2 Accounts', Link 1 | There's three of these with helpful information given to us from our admins. Check all three to inform yourself on what and why admin says about the 'Allowed Two Accounts' rule that HWO has. Any questions need to be sent directly to admin for clarification. PLEASE do not ask questions that are clearly answered in these topics. However, if you're confused about something, don't be afraid to clear up your misunderstanding. |
Link 2 | Second link to the '2 Account Rule.' |
Link 3 | Third link to the '2 Account Rule.' |
Competition Horse Entry Limit Explained | Question and answer for this most important topic. Scroll down to Admin Tom's post for this important answer. |
Account Deactivation | Admin answers and explains how-to on this frequently asked question. |
Reactivating a Deactivated Account | A question and answer to this important consideration. Probably on a case-by-case basis, but this topic helps walk through the basics before having to send it to admin for further aid or instruction. |
COPPA | Included is the link to get COPPA lifted. You will need your parents permission to lift COPPA. The information is contained both in the topic and in the link provided therein. |
*Official Name Change Thread* | Currently back in operation. However, it's a case-by-case basis and must be a valid reason. What consists a valid reason? One that will be decided upon at admin discretion. |
How To: On Tables in the Forum | Like what you see here. The question was asked, and this topic answers it. Creating tables can be tricky, this topic will show you how. |
Need To Change Email? | Know that you will need to be very careful about changing email though. If you get it wrong, you and admin may need to jump through hoops to get it fixed, so, check your spelling, capitalization, etc. Plus, you'll need to remember your password too. |
Upgrades, PT's, Money & More | A list, explanation and breakdown on accounts, features and suporting HWO. Author: HorzeLover101 |
Decorative ribbons! | A quick guide on our Titled Ribbons for horses. Author: Cypress Creek Test |
Emoji List | Just a list of supported Emojis for the game forum. Author: Tom |
On The Topic Of Bugs & Glitches
The URL you specified is invalid. | Not sure if this is still a problem, but since I lost it once, I'm linking it for easy tracking. Is your profile image not working? This link may help you along. |
HWO Community Aid Pages
Due to lack of use, all original aid pages have been retired for the time being (from my guide only). If the original aid pages are resurrected, I will again add them. I will NOT add any links to aid pages, unless I am specifically requested to add them here. And! I will need to see fairly consistent and continued use of them (at least once a month, at least in the form of a bump). These aid pages can be quite useful and helpful for all members of our community, however, no page is useful if the author or topic isn't used by those seeking answers or those that answer these queries.
Random Links
Interesting links that are unrelated to actual gameplay.
Share your farm! - Want to share your farm setup? Does it look cool or neat? Chance of admin using it as an example on their frontpages (Instagram, Facebook, etc.).
Random Ongoing HWO Tales
*these may be fictional or retold true stories, please check out the forwards of each topic and afford common sense when and where appropriate.
*those that choose to have me remove the link to their farm logs, please let me know, I have no problem with it.
*those that desire their links to be added, please let me know, I also have no problem with this either.
SIE Organization
Operation X1 --Dr. Victar--
Horpse's Horror Hangout
header topic url looks like =
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Code: Select all
Last edited by BlackOak2 on September 29th, 2024, 12:35 pm, edited 187 times in total.
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Quick Start Guide For Newbies
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Re: BlackOak2's Quick-Links
nice work
BlackOak2 Offline
Premium Premium Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: January 29th, 2016, 7:41 pm Posts: 10782
Premium Premium Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: January 29th, 2016, 7:41 pm Posts: 10782
Re: BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Community Reminder Archive
Find all of the Community Reminders from the past, here.
Find all of the Community Reminders from the past, here.
Rules & HWO Laws | These are not all of them, just the ones that are most often overlooked, undervalued or entirely ignored. |
Regarding "Private Studs" | Until the ability of Approved Mares comes to us, this will continue to be a problem. Please swing by this informative reminder to understand the reasons, both sides and socially acceptable handling of this touchy issue. |
Rules Reminder #2 | Again, a revisiting of our game rules and etiquette. Also included, on the second page, some suggestions for handling incidents is offered. There are a few interesting tidbits and different sides offered in this short reminder. |
November 2020 | This is an important one. Covering Internet Safety, this release offers an overview and rundown of basic practices. Also, this release serves as an official warning for the gaming community of an addition of a new, official and disciplinary rule directly concerning internet safety. Additionally, there is a handy link to the official rules is located here. |
Acceptable Forum Content & Etiquette | Also included is a revisiting (yes, again) of the private studs issue. Just because this is directed for the forums, doesn't mean it doesn't extend across the entirety of HWO. |
HWO Definitions | Included here are definitions and generally used terms and shorthand the community is apt to use. |
Newbie Notice & Internet Safety Reminder | This is the December 2020 release. Because of a large incident that happened around this time, there was an admin action that resulted in some very questionable and suspicious activities. To ensure the safety of our HWO members, action was swift and decisive. Just because it's getting a little dated, doesn't mean the information is out-of-date. |
January 2021 | This reminder covers etiquette, accounts, internet safety and private studs. Yes, there are reoccurring themes to these reminders. Please remember that these reminders come to us (the HWO community publishes these) when we have these issues becoming problems again. So the continued litany of certain themes and subjects reveals that there are still issues in these areas. |
Concerning Private Studs | Again another revisiting of this issue. Each release is not a copy and paste of the previous reminders. Each release is a revisit and rewriting of the issue currently at hand at the time of the post. Which means, that although this subject keeps coming up, the issues involved may be different from before. |
Un-Official Rules | Another general overview of these, specifically aimed at Newbies and Newer Players that haven't yet been introduced to them. |
HWO rules ,etc make them clear | Published by FantasyRanch2, this is another view on our rules and some of the misunderstandings that have come to light, written from the view of an HWO player that has offered a lot of aid to date, specifically aimed at newbies and newer players, as well as the rest of the community overall. |
March 2021 | This release covers real money transactions, the prevention of usage of our private studs and overall keeping peace in the community. |
April 2021 | This is an overview of How-To's in the forums and around the game. Basic things about what an appropriate topic heading is, bumping old topics, and socially acceptable content are covered. Also included in this release is the first inclusion of 'Interesting New Developments on HWO' which I've decided to add to some of my published releases. Simply a light of brightness, a thought of consideration or that 'Wow!' moment that sometimes I come across while cruising through the forums and elsewhere on the game. |
May 2021 | This one covers basic forum etiquette, primarily focused on begging, hijacking and spamming, competitions and internet safety. Also included is some overview of evaluating potential trainers. The Interesting New Developments section covers different standards and breeding tactics as well as overall community development. |
Concerning Competitions | Self explanatory. Also a single-subject release for very quick reference of the overall on the subject. |
Summer 2021 (Northern Hemisphere) | Although I have it titled as 'Northern Hemisphere', this covers the entire world for our HWO players. The title 'Summer 2021' indicates for the northern hemisphere's summer, but I have both summer and winter, non-HWO tips and reminders. Since the gaming community has been holding steady without any real issue, this release covered very general things. Included (other than real-world tips) is general thoughts on the game to-date and a review of a contest held for a Futurity I participated in. The contest has some very useful information for anybody looking to tackle such a thing. |
October 2021 | A simple reminder for our community about the different sections in our forum, as well as ensuring the topics have appropriate titles. |
2021 Halloween Edition | Included in this release: Uses of Local Shows; How to Conclude a Project & Nurturing a Community Project. No reminders in this one, but a number of interesting information. |
How To, On Donations | Specifically for those that don't understand it, haven't used it before or are unsure of how to appropriately utilize the program. |
Reminder About Rehoming | A quick note about the rehoming option. |
A HEALTHY AND SUSTAINABLE MARKET | A short talk about the sales ads, how many there are, the quality and the type. |
November 2021 | A short note about horses posted as 'Need Gone' with certain price points and market cleaning tactics. |
Community Reminder - Holiday 2021 | A collection of hints and tips, including: Reducing Herd Size; The Search For Market Horses; Evaluating A Competition Horse; The Uses Of COI; HGP, What It Is & Bloodline Discussion |
Something That Needs to Be Talked About ... Again | Because of recent upticks of occurrences, another of these reminders on private studs and private sales has come. Don't skip it, please! These are to remind us that they keep happening and to be guarded and also respectful when they do. |
Community Reminder - January 2022 | Covering Private Studs, Open Sales, Ownership Statuses, Haters & Hate Speech and in the Interesting New Developments section, 'Should I Sell My Foal/Horse?' A series of questions that should help to determine an answer to that question. |
Community Reminder - March 2022 | Included In This Release are subjects pertaining to how to win in competitions, The Miseries Of Private Studs, hints and tips for the newbie, and some information on Contacting Me & Other Senior Members |
Community Reminder - April 2022 | General reminders in this one, decently short, covering guides and general forum etiquette. Specifically aimed at newbies, but generally offered to the community at large. |
Community Reminder - End Of May 2022 | Interesting New Developments that include the different types of breeding stock the community produces. |
Cyberbullying and The Damage It Causes | A short conversation on the topic. |
A Smol Question to the Community | Revisit to the private studs issue. It bears keeping in mind that this will continue to be an ongoing problem, but if we keep it in front, we can continue to keep a minimal hold on it (from the communities perspective). The issue this time, brought to light by: camilleon |
Community Reminder | October of 2022 | Revisit of some of our most important rules, guidelines and safety procedures, as well as reminding us again of our most problematic issues on HWO. Written in a format that reminds us all that these have been around for awhile and yet retains enough interaction for our newbie, junior and of course, younger crowds to be informed. Author: Gabby_Woodlark |
A nice message to everyone | 'Daily' quotes for mental health. Author: Frisb |
Community Reminder - Summer 2023 (Northern Hemisphere) | General reminders that needed revisiting. Please don't skip it! Included are private studs, sharing accounts and general etiquette involving the emotion of the posts in the forums. |
Community Reminder - August 2023 - Part 1 | 1 of 2 releases. In this article, find some help and information and even reminders from both sides of disappearing players. It's important to remind ourselves that this is a game, but all of us get invested into such things, even when we remember. Take a moment and brush up, if you will, please. |
Community Reminder - August 2023 - Part 2 | 2 of 2 releases. In this article, find the topic Interesting New Developments on HWO - Breeders' Special - Competitors' Gleam. A... rather long look at the differences between two different types of competition stock. Discussion is encouraged if desired. Double Posted. |
Communty Reminder - Holiday Season 2023 | A revisit of a number of little issues, including hijacking, shorthand & spelling, begging & help, how to's on selling horses and making money and finally, considerations before opening public training. |
Last edited by BlackOak2 on June 12th, 2024, 1:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Quick Start Guide For Newbies
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BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Re: BlackOak2's Quick-Links
We should thank you
BlackOak2 Offline
Premium Premium Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: January 29th, 2016, 7:41 pm Posts: 10782
Premium Premium Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: January 29th, 2016, 7:41 pm Posts: 10782
Re: BlackOak2's Quick-Links
I know what I do is appreciated and have been thanked in the past. Of course, we all like to here it from time to time!mln11 wrote:We should thank you
So thank you again.
Edited to add the word 'know' to before the word 'what'.
One of those times that the brain offers what's missing.
Don't forget to check it out!
Quick Start Guide For Newbies
Link to additional information.
BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Quick Start Guide For Newbies
Link to additional information.
BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Re: BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Well, partially to bump this and partially to thank you, this is great, I adore it
BlackOak2 Offline
Premium Premium Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: January 29th, 2016, 7:41 pm Posts: 10782
Premium Premium Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: January 29th, 2016, 7:41 pm Posts: 10782
Re: BlackOak2's Quick-Links
RenegadePegasus wrote:Well, partially to bump this and partially to thank you, this is great, I adore it
I'll add it to my farm page as well... I haven't updated it in awhile anyway, things need attention around here.
Don't forget to check it out!
Quick Start Guide For Newbies
Link to additional information.
BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Quick Start Guide For Newbies
Link to additional information.
BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Re: BlackOak2's Quick-Links
BlackOak2 wrote:RenegadePegasus wrote:Well, partially to bump this and partially to thank you, this is great, I adore it
I'll add it to my farm page as well... I haven't updated it in awhile anyway, things need attention around here.
Lekara Offline
Premium Premium Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: December 27th, 2015, 9:58 pm Posts: 306
Premium Premium Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: December 27th, 2015, 9:58 pm Posts: 306
BlackOak2 Offline
Premium Premium Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: January 29th, 2016, 7:41 pm Posts: 10782
Premium Premium Visit My Farm Visit My Farm Joined: January 29th, 2016, 7:41 pm Posts: 10782
Re: BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Of course!Lekara wrote:Yes - thank you for compiling these helpful links! This is great.
I find them just as useful as the rest of you.
Feel free to let me know if there's other links that I might add. I'm sure I've missed some that are relatively harder to find or get lost from time to time.
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Quick Start Guide For Newbies
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BlackOak2's Quick-Links
Quick Start Guide For Newbies
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BlackOak2's Quick-Links